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Connection to Healing Light

Featuring the Elfian Healer Domain

Healing Light is a higher frequency found in the Realm of the Divine, the Angels. It expanded itself out through all realms of higher beings. Throughout the cosmos and became one of the highest frequencies in our universe. Archangel Raphaels' healing light is where the universal healing light came from. All energy and spirit healers connect to this light frequency and Archangel Raphael when doing their work, whether they are conscious of it or not. A lot of Master Halers become one with this energy channeling it and higher light energy like the Golden Christed Light not only when doing their healing practice but in their day-to-day life.

The Elfian Healer Domain is a collection of begins of inspiration who became one with the healing light. They now work to help us understand and heal our five-body-system. Which are: 

1) Our physical body and chakras.

2) Our spiritual body and chakras.

3) Our mental body. 

4) Our emotional body.

5) Our akashic body. Our past lives and inner child. 

Healing Symbol

This is the symbol to help connect to the Elfian Healers. As well as a healing symbol.


Healing Our Five-Body System  

Our five-body system is the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Akashic Body. You can learn about these body systems from Elfian Healer Domain in this series. 

The Elfain Healer Doamin works in direct contact with Archangel Raphael to aid the collective in healing on every level.

Fresh Start: Transform Your Home with Cleansing Techniques

This course will take you through 6 steps to guide you through the journey of realigning your home.
Step 1: Cleansing You
Step 2: Removing the Fog (mental body of the home)
Step 3: Home Cleaning (physical body of the home )
Step 4: Garlic, Salt & More Cleansing ( spiritual body of the home)
Step 5: Crystal Healing (akashic body of the home)
Step 6: Partnership with the home (emotional body of the home)
Bonus Lessons: Car Cleansing & Money Cleansing

This course is inspired by a real-life experience of doing the energetic cleansing of an old apartment before putting it for sale. All the steps that were taken to align the condo were a gift. The apartment's energy shifted, and it was as if no one ever lived there. It was as if it was freshly built. The apartment thanked us for the work we did to free it from its energetic negative burdens by calling forth its new owners within a few weeks of listing it for sale. Since then, the methods have evolved and changed. This is truly the final version of the steps to do. You can use these to make your home a new sacred spiritual space, prepare your home for sale, and/or realign your new home.

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