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Different Crystal Connections

Kastalia Theo

The Cosmic Elfian Elemental Elder has mentioned our bond with crystals before. Today is the day he will dive deeper into our relationship with the crystalline energy.

" Good day, beautiful souls of Earth. I am the Cosmic Elfian Elemental Elder here to educate about the crystalline frequency. You humans have already discovered some biological similarities between crystals and yourselves. Wouldn't it also make sense that you share a spiritual bond as well? Just like animal connections, there are multiple types of crystal connections. There are five main types that I will be teaching you about today. Let us begin...

Kinship Crystal 

Kinship Crystals are like Kinship Animals. Not everyone has a Kinship Crystal; those that do not have one have a Kinship Animal. I know the Head Elfian Animal Healer has discussed Kinship Animals before. She noted that not everyone has a kinship animal because some have a kinship crystal. But what is a kinship crystal? It is truly the same as a kinship animal but in crystal form. Some planets house the group soul source of animals, and some do that for crystals. The specific type of animal or crystal for each planet's energy depends on the missions of those souls who choose to call it home. If you have a kinship crystal, it reflects who you are and what your missions are. This connection stays with you always. This crystal will come to you in strange ways that feel familiar on a soul level but can seem bizarre to the egoic mind. They can help show you your true, authentic self. It will also help you connect with your star origins as that is its origin as well. 

You can determine whether you have a kinship crystal or animal by doing a soul-deep dive mediation. Quite the mind and reflect inward. Ask your guardian angels to show you your soul's incarnation journey. From soul origins to star origins to Earth. Show that back-and-forth relationship between your star home and incarnation in the physical. Doing so will allow you to see your star's original planetary energy and connect with all souls connected to it. That includes either an animal or a crystal. In the rare chance both energies are present, ask the guardian of your star origins to clarify your kinship connection.

Once you have learned of your kinship connection, spend time learning about them. Understand their key characteristics and reflect on how that is reflected in you. Spend time to strengthen that bond further while in the physical. These connections can help you, especially if you are uncertain where you belong. Your kinship connection can help guide you to your true home in the physical. The place and people that are like-minded to your missions, purpose, and authentic self.

Soul Crystal 

This crystal connection is a reflection of your highest self. This is a crystal connection that everyone has. It can help you as you begin to understand a key aspect of your authentic self. The aspect of yourself that the soul crystal is not only a reflection but a guide of is truthfully your true self. The highest self is you just when you are elevated above the ego and lower polarity. It reflects your highest self because the crystal characters are those you possess when you are your highest self. This crystal connection is gifted by GOD. He observes your soul and offers a piece of one of his most powerful gifts, stardust. 

That is what crystals used to be called. He pulled them from the stars and planetary energies their group soul energy resided in and created a physical form that still held all that makes each crystal unique. As time passed, the planetary energies and stars began to reflect the physical image of the crystals. That pattern has begun to happen with you and your soul crystals. See, before your first incarnation on Earth, he saw your soul's full potential even before you knew what it was. He selected a crystal to gift you. He facilitated the soul contract between you and your soul crystal. As your incarnations progressed, you started to reflect the crystal more on a deep soul level. Thus becoming the potential he saw for you. 

Your soul crystal reflects your true self because it helped you become who you are. As you continue to incarnate, all those building blocks that have built your beautiful soul are coated with the light of your soul crystal. The bond you share with it is something exceptional. So, how do you know what crystal it is? It is fairly simple: you summon it with the help of your guardian angels and connection to GOD, a meditation that connects you to all crystalline energy. While doing so, call forth your soul crystal to introduce itself to you. There are multiple ways that it can do that. It could show you its image or even its name. It could tell you where it's located near you and guide you to find one piece to carry. Whichever way it shows itself, remember this. Your soul crystal should not be carved into any carving whatsoever. If you are called to a carving, that indicates an interference. Your soul crystal for your purposes should not be polished; the rough form is the authentic form. So again, if you are told to find polished forms, that is also an interference. 

Polished crystals are not bad; however, when it comes to soul crystals, their true purpose is to help you understand and fully become your highest self in the physical. If the crystal is polished, it loses some authenticity. Thus, connecting to your authenticity will not be as great of a help. If it is polished, you may receive confusing messages or things about your true self may get glossed over. 

Remember, crystals have a voice. Although human ears may not understand it, your soul understands its frequency. That is why cleansing is so important. If it has absorbed negative energy and hasn't transmitted it, the messages could be distorted. Make sure to cleanse all crystals in whatever way works for you. It is especially important to protect and cleanse your soul crystal. It is normal to carry the crystal with you, wear forms of it, and connect to it when you are at a phase where you want to know how you fit into this world. However, since crystals are sponges, you don't want all the negativity they may absorb to affect your connection. 

Ways of cleansing: using sound frequency, solar frequency, lunar frequency, and cleansers of the earth frequency. Cleansers of the Earth's frequency include sea salt, Himalayan salt, sage, and palo santo. As well as water for those that are water-safe. Cleansers of the Earth also include owls, snakes, and cats. So, if you have one as a pet, you can also ask their souls to help cleanse your home of all negativity, including any that a crystal may have absorbed. 

Another fast, simple way is calling upon higher light frequencies to channel through you to cleanse, recharge, and activate any crystal. Especially your soul crystal.

Strength Crystal 

This crystal connection is very similar to a power animal connection. This is a crystal connection that everyone has. It can help you as you begin to understand a key aspect of your authentic self. That aspect is your true power. Your energy expresses itself when fully charged and free from blockages. This crystal connection does a lot of work with your lower 3 chakras, which are connected to your power. Not only that but it, like power animals, changes per lifetime as your greatest strength changes with every incarnation. What worked in the past may not work in the present.

Funnily enough, this crystal connection helps bridge the gap between your past and the present in this lifetime and supports the alignment of the Akashic body. It bridges the gap between past and present because to be in your full power, you must understand the past, learn from it, heal from it, move on, and integrate with that past version of you. To interagte with that past version of you you take the things you wish to keep and let go of what no lopnger serves you. This integration is also called inner child integration. The inner child is in your akashic body system, thus making sense that this crystal connection can assist with aligning that body.

The bond with the Akashic body may not have been spoken about before, but it is one that helps you and the crystal understand one another. It is key to understand your strength crystal as it can help you when you feel uninspired and lack power. It can help you regain your strength, call back missing energy, and remove what is stealing your light. When you are at your lowest, it can aid you in getting out of the darkness into the light. The strength crystal is a representative connection of moving into connection with higher powers. Those higher powers can assist you moving forward. It is a vessel and guide for connecting with the divine and all higher lights that offer strength and balance. 

To find this connection, you must reflect with help from solar light and all flames of truth and golden nature. That, as well as connection to the roots of the Earth, can lead you to your strength crystal. Once you find it, keep it near you, as it will help you through your life whenever you forget how powerful you are. If you go through life not for a moment forgetting, then they can help enhance your strength, acting as an amplifier for your power. 

Ascension Crystal 

This crystal connection is very similar to a totem animal connection. This is a crystal connection that everyone has. It can help you as you begin to understand a key aspect of your authentic self. Like the strength crystal, this one connects to your Akashic body. However, it is in relation to the future yet manifested. This crystal connection is connected to all upper chakras, specifically your third eye and heart chakras. This crystal knows that to ascend to higher levels, all body systems must be in alignment, especially the mind and heart. The mind and heart have a history of polarizing beliefs. One thing this connection can help with is assisting your mind and heart. 

I am aware that what was in the channeled video isn't all here. There are differences between the written and spoken messages about the crystal connections. That is because the connections are so complex, and there are many aspects of those connections. The same can be said for ascension. You need different perspectives to assist you. While the soul crystal can act as a crystal guide to some degree, the ascension crystal is more of a guide. That is because it works with your Elfian Traveler Guide and Totem Animal. It changes every lifetime like the Totem Animal and is one that your Elfian Traveler Guide is the main guide in charge of establishing the soul contract with. 

Your ascension crystal can help deliver messages to you on your journey. It can help guide you to the paths for the betterment of your ascension and, most of all, help support you during upgrades. Upgrades were never meant to be pretty, and a lot of times, humans can fall into dark nights of the soul during upgrades. Your ascension crystal can assist in reminding you of your path. They are a totem of your journey. Like strength crystals, the characteristics of the crystal are reflected in you. Strength crystals are more about you when you are in full power. The ascension crystal reflects more the characteristics that will help you ascend.

You already have a totem animal reflecting what you start to become as you ascend higher and higher. Your ascension crystal doesn't need to tell you what you will become but what will help you become what you are meant to. 

To connect to your ascension crystal, turn to lunar light and all flames of silver origin to support you. While strength crystals have a more divine masculine undertone, ascension crystals have a more divine feminine undertone. This further reinforces that you need both energies to flow in harmony. As well as mediating with those frequencies, your guardian angels, Elfian Travel Guide, and Totem Animal can assist you in discovering your ascension crystals. 

It's important to note that sometimes the crystals find you. It could be their name or their physical form. With any crystal connection, it can find you when you need it, but also one you can find when you are ready. 

Birth Crystal 

This is also known as your birthstone. This is a crystal connection that everyone has. It can help you as you begin to understand a key aspect of your authentic self. The main purpose of this crystal connection is to help you understand yourself while in the physical. Similar to your zodiac signs of different cultures, that allow you further insight into the energetic makeup of your personality. Birth Crystals assist with future understanding and can offer insight into what aspects of the physical reality you need to experience in your current lifetime to grow as a soul. That is why birth crystals and ascension crystals are best used together.

Each month has multiple birthstones related to the influence of astrological signs and massive energetic events. What was needed to assist those born in each month changed over time. It changed due to changes in astrological signs, solstices, and energetic shifts. I could list each birthstone and explain the deep details of each. However, it's more impactful if your inner knowing guides you to which of the birthstones from your birth month resonates with you. See, humans tend to pick things based on what they want. If they see that pearl represents the summer solstice energy and want that to be theirs because it seems cool. That takes away from finding the one that resonates. Maybe moonstone is that which they have a contract with, but their ego is influencing the choice based on what is a desire rather than what is needed.

So, to find which of the birthstones is the one that resonates... mediated. Of course, the solution is always to mediate and reflect with support from your guardian angels and guides. However, meditate this time on yourself, your birth, and the month you were born. Turn inward to feel who you are. With support from the Akashic records and all guides, healers, and angels of it, try to remember your original resonances. What you were like as you were born into the physical. If you open yourself, you can see the crystal tied to your birth. While it could be a birthstone the masses are common with, it may also be something completely different. It takes you tapping into the newborn you, uninfluenced by the world, to understand which crystalline energy is here to assist you in this lifetime. 

The birthstone crystals of each month birthed the energy of the month. Thus influencing the energy you were born into. Sure, all forms of astrological signs influence energy. What is often forgotten is that crystalline and color energy play a significant role in a month's energy. Each month offers the energy for an element to flourish or rest. Your birthstone is determined by what crystal flourished during your birth. That is an energy that influenced you in that newborn state and one that stays till this day. 

Birthstones also help you remember the joy of being a newborn and an innocent. They can assist you in inner child healing and integrations; they are the crystal energy most tied to your inner child. 

Why Are Crystals Cosmic?

Crystals are born from the Earth. Created from multiple different elements. The Earth births them. So why are they considered a cosmic element? This is because of their spiritual makeup. While all things born from the Earth are technically gifts from God, crystals are special. The stardust that is a part of their spiritual makeup was gifted to Mother Gaia to assist in the birthing of crystals. God pulled from the stars a beautiful light that resides in each of the crystal's physical forms. Because of the Star Dust within the deep crystal makeup, they fall within my domain. 

One very important message. You are beings of life, so whether it be cosmic or earth element, your intention to create something can manifest through any element.

In conclusion, beautiful souls, crystals hold power. If you are open enough to allow them into your life, they might inspire you to blossom into who you were born to be. Connect to all crystals as friends as equals. Create an eternal loving friendship with them that is very much needed now. Remember, just as your soul left the stars and incarnated in the physical, so did the crystals. You share a bond with all of them, even those you don't share a soul contract with. 

Sending you love, light, and inspiration. May the petals of the Flower of Inspiration lead you back to our realm again."

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