The Elfian Realm houses a domain of warrior-frequency beings, which splits into two larger tribes: the Peacemakers and the Freedom Bringers. Within these two main tribes are three sub-tribes, forming six tribes within the Elfain Warrior Domain.
These six tribes are Kiness, Truly Harmonious Connections, Universal Unity, Divine Tranquility, Freedom/Liberation, and Divine Justice/Karmic balance.
They have collectively delivered a message that we must embrace six spiritual warrior principles. This blog is a streamlined summary of these principles and how to embrace them. To learn more in-depth about these principles, watch the "Embracing Spiritual Warrior Principles" video series on our YouTube channel. Click the link to watch the series
The principle of kindness is tied to our compassionate nature and our ability to care for and love those around us. Mastering this principle helps us reach our highest self by encouraging forgiveness, love, and compassion for ourselves and others. It transcends the ego's tendency to view others as inferior.
This principle fosters the understanding that we are all human beings, interconnected and emerging from the same source. It reflects our spiritual nature, recognizing everyone is on their unique journey. This understanding eliminates any sense of superiority; no one is better than anyone else. While we may progress at different rates, that does not diminish anyone's worth. Accepting this idea is essential for tapping into our highest self and living a soul-led life.
Harmony involves establishing a healthy relationship with ourselves, including our chakras and mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and akashic bodies. It entails cultivating harmony with our inner child, aligning with our highest self, and surrounding ourselves with elements that maintain our balance.
This principle is first about inner work before extending to our relationships with others, allowing us to forge truly harmonious connections. To access our highest self, we must harmonize with nature, Source, the animals, and the people around us.
The principle of unity is about Oneness—recognizing the beautiful interconnectedness in the universe. We all come from a single source and are part of a greater whole. Embracing this principle not only allows us to appreciate our individuality but also fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance. It involves forming a community with people who may differ from us and those who share our values and perspectives.
While inner work is crucial, building connections and relationships is vital for stepping into our highest self. As social beings, our souls thrive on connection, and it's important to honor and celebrate the diversity among us without judgment.
The principle of tranquility is the ultimate goal of the first three spiritual warrior principles. It aims to lead us to a more serene existence where we can enjoy peace and tranquility. In a world often rife with stress, anxiety, and chaos, tranquility encourages us to live in the present and experience peace without anticipating negative outcomes. By embracing tranquility, we allow ourselves to enjoy the moment and cultivate a sense of calm.
The principle of liberation is the freedom from that no longer serves you. All the previous spiritual warrior principles lead to this key idea: letting go of fear, anxiety, negativity, and toxic connections. It's essential to ensure you're not leaving the door open for things you've already freed yourself from. Liberation means freeing yourself from the old version of you—the version of living an egoic life—and choosing to embrace your true authentic self, your highest self.
This principle involves letting go of attachments to material things and moving forward by liberating yourself from the burdens that hold you back from realizing your true spiritual potential. Anything that weighs on you limits your growth or drains your energy needs to be released. Choose to liberate yourself from these constraints with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Remember that everything happens for a reason; every experience teaches you a lesson. Cultivate gratitude for what has occurred while freeing yourself from the limitations that hinder your journey toward your highest self.
It’s about detaching from the stresses of the material world and embracing a path of enlightenment. We must actively free ourselves from anything weighing us down, allowing us to experience a peaceful and positive present moment.
The principle of justice refers to divine justice and karmic balance, which involves accepting your karma. Karmic balance is the idea that our actions, whether positive or negative, have consequences that we must face. Once you start liberating yourself from what no longer serves you, you understand that you may have caused pain to others in this lifetime or past ones. The first step toward stepping into your highest self about this principle is to accept your karmic balance and work on clearing it.
Trust that divine justice will act in your favor, even if it doesn't align with what your ego desires. It’s crucial to acknowledge that those who have hurt you will face their divine justice, just as you must accept that you have also caused harm to others. Accepting this reality and working to clear your karmic balance helps you free yourself again from anything limiting you from experiencing a fully enlightened life.
All these spiritual warrior principles aim to help you break free from a life constrained by past actions that did not stem from your highest self. Trust that things will work out in your favor, which may differ from what your ego expects.
In conclusion, by embracing these spiritual warrior principles, you actively step into your highest self and overcome the limitations imposed by the ego. This journey towards your highest self is not only spiritually fulfilling but also leads to a more profound enjoyment of the physical world. Honor your soul and authentic nature; remember, your ego is not your true self. Living a life led by the soul allows you to enjoy the physical world more profoundly.
We often become disillusioned by the nature of physical reality due to commercialization, capitalism, and the weight of materialism. Material things are part of our experience, but they should not define it. We came to experience the physical world, including nature, and live harmoniously with animals and plants. There is more to life than what the egoic mind perceives. We can use these material creations to aid our soul's evolution.
When you begin living a life guided by the soul, you will find greater joy in the physical world. You will appreciate the beauty around you, embrace nature, and explore the world beyond materiality.