I asked elders of each domain these questions to see what they have to say about inspiration. They typically go with the standard “Inspiration is all around us” but I wanted to dig deeper.
The Elders of the Elfian Realm answer the following question:
Summarize what your domain does.
How is inspiration found in your domain?
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
How is inspiration all around us?
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
Elfian Warrior Domain:
(Channeled from Chief Elfian Warrior)
Summarize what your domain does.
“We are the warriors we cleanse negativity by using energies of light and love. We work on the polarity line and with people. We communicate truth and use the frequency of inspiration to inspire all of you to free yourself from the holds of the seven deadly concepts.”
How is inspiration found in your domain?
“Through the light frequency my elves use when it comes time to remove negativity and clear cords. They use the higher light of inspiration to aid them in purifying the ley lines of earth. They also use other things. The way the speak also we all tend to speak using truth knowledge and inspiration to help spark some light into someone or to spark light into the ley lines of earth. We tend repeat inspiring truths and be beacons of inspirational wisdom so that no matter how hard negativity tries it will never fully be in control again. Inspiration= your souls spark and our spark is to use truth to help you connect more and more every day to your soul spark to the thing that ignites your purpose.”
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
“It means soul spark it means fire and freedom. It also means stepping into true divine light and not letting sloth get you down. It means being kind to others and feeling peace in your actions because you are doing them from a place deep in your soul like the roots of our flower of origin.”
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
“We use it to inspire everyone to be truth seekers and speakers. When they are using the frequency of warrior to help free themselves from the ego, we work to inspire the soul to not give into the ego so that it can complete the basic mission of ego separation.”
How is inspiration all around us?
“When we say it is all around you it is because once you are able to see the truth you will see it everywhere you will see it in the realms around you. You will see it in your true purpose as a soul you will see it every human. You need to remove the curtain and look because it truly is woven into the very fabric of the true reality.”
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
“We can inspire you by reminding you of your truth reminding you of who you are helping you feel hope again helping you not give up. If you are feeling uninspired chances, are you aren't living your souls' true inspiration therefore we will use truth to help you find it again.”
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
“Because without it no one would have ever come to earth in the first place. So, to get to the new earth you must use it to help you. The vast majority of the collective is still lacking their spark but once they find it all will become clear.”
NoManJoyBringer Domain
(Channeled from NoManJoyBringer Elder)
Summarize what your domain does.
"We help spread positivity to offer balance as humanity shifts to higher consciousness. We do that by spreading joy and within joy, there are two categories the sage and innocence. People will encounter joy bringers of both in their physical lifetime but typically you have one more closely tied to your soul. That depends on the age of your soul in the long run. If your soul was born after the Atlantean age, then you have a joy bringer of innocence more closely connected to your soul. If your soul was born before you have a joy bringer of the sage more closely tied to your soul. This is because of how joy feels to certain souls.
We also have Guardians of the Veil. Known as keepers of yin/yang to some and the beacon of positive light to others. They are closely related to the warrior and traveler guide domains but are joy bringers because they started as neutral joy bringers. They did not fit into the category of innocence or sage therefore they use their ability to be a portal for soul joy to help them filter out negativity. Simply they are a sensor for if a soul can experience more positive nonegoic joy. If they sense that it is a no, then they know that the negative polarity is more in control of that soul. They don't let anything negative come through the veil they try their best to make sure that humans stay protected from negative forces. Along with that they ensure humanity can feel the peace the true joy offers. It's important to remember that is only if they are called upon as they can only do so much without being called upon, sometimes things slip through because they can't impose on free will."
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"Simple inspiration is found in everything we do. How do you think we bring you joy? We inspire you to do the things you love and that bring you happiness. We inspire you to look for the truth beyond the veil because something that brings every soul joy is remembering the truth of the universe. That is an inspiring thing when it comes to completing missions and ultimately purposes."
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"It means joy!! When you are happy you feel inspired and can inspire others by shining your light and people shining their light inspires you."
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"Through joy, we use it to remind them of why they are here and why they came to earth. Celebration is how we use inspiration and joy to help souls because it comes from joy and inspiration a beautiful combination. Guardians of the Veil inspire humanity to dig deeper to remember their souls' inspiration so that they may connect with all the beings of light and love beyond the veil. They are using the frequency of inspired reunions that brings joy to souls."
How is inspiration all around us?
"Because it is woven into the very fabric of nature. Just like truth, knowledge, life, light and love. It is the spark that never dies!! Although it may be dormant until called upon it never dies."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"By helping you feel joy!! When you are happy you can hear inspiration more clearly and you feel happy when there is that inspired click, it is a harmonic relationship."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"That's what I did during the past golden age!! During the beautiful time before the fall, I used inspiration to help glorious things of majesty and positivity. When you ascend higher sometimes you lose the spark because you completed it in a way. Being reminded of that as you enter the new age is important. It is important never to forget true inspiration!!! Which is light, love, joy, compassion, harmony and positivity. That is why it will help, because it is everything humanity will need to be."
Elfian Traveler Guide Domain
(Channeled from Elfian Traveler Guide Elder)
Summarize what your domain does.
"We are the ascension guides of humanity. Every higher realm has a guide group in their realm that works one on one with humans. For example, Guadian Angels Fairy Godmothers Spirit Animal Guides, and the list goes on. This is because of the contract we all have to work together in perfect harmony. Those other guides and guardians do different things all with a unique purpose just like us. We work to help you with your ascension process whereas sprites, for example, work to help you understand the earthly plane more. We call them Sprite Spirit Guides of Gaia Knowledge. All guide groups in every realm work together to help you.
We work to ensure you are safe and protected on your path of ascension. We work with you both in the physical and nonphysical incarnations of your soul. Along with that we help strengthen your bond with other realms that further your ascension to a higher level even when you aren't in the physical. A huge part of ascension is learning and understanding things you never did before so we also work as teachers to help teach about all you could ever need to learn and want to learn. Your guide will tend to always be searching and learning themselves so they can better educate you on what you need to know because guess what we don't know everything. A lot of times your guide will work to learn your vocabulary in the physical form so that they can guide and teach you in a way you will understand. In a way, in our domain, we never stop being learners teachers, and observers which is really at the foundation of our domain. We use to just be teachers not guides. As teachers all we did was teach your soul but never really worked too closely to guide you further. We just trusted you would listen and take the information. Since the Atlantean age we work closely with all of you and your guide is so excited to continue working with you."
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"We use the light of inspiration to inspire you to want to ascend and upgrade to higher levels. We work to educate you all about the dimensions, ascension and your karmic balance. Without the inspired spark to ascend you would just become dormant blobs in the physical. You would become nothing more than an inanimate object. Your souls inspiration fuels your purpose and mission. Where would you learn more about it from? Your guide born from the flower of inspiration of course!!"
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"Inspiration means everything to us because we use it to teach and guide. We use it to inspire the visitor status to continue down their path. Along with that to inspire the travelers and assistance to the elders to do more, learn more, help more and guide more. Even the beings of inspiration can lack it after spending too much time working beyond the veil of earth. Our domain is the only one that feels that way. The only one that after they ascend higher seem to lose some inspiration because their purpose was about the soul they were guiding that was their inspiration. So, finding a new one when they become a traveler or an assistance to an elder is a hard process because the elves in my domain love so much. Our realm falls in love with the work they do to help spread inspiration. Our realm loves humanity and all other realms. The only domain that works closely enough with humans is my domain. There is an eternal loving friendship between your soul and your Elfian Traveler Guides soul. So, when inevitably you ascended higher and your purpose changes the elf have to find a new spark. Every contract is different, and that eternal loving friendship never truly ends. For my domain inspiration means renewing and remembering why you exist."
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"They work to use inspiration to inspire you in ascension and untimely completing your purpose. Once you complete yours, they complete theirs and then you start a new with a new purpose and so do they."
How is inspiration all around us?
"It is within you that light is with in every single one of you. When you remember and connect to it then it reaches outside and flows around you."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"By reminding you why you exist because that reminder triggers you to feel inspired once more."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"Since it is in the very nature of connecting to your mission and purpose as a soul it will be used by all souls to inspire others to awaken and ascended. It will be used to guide, heal and teach. True positive inspiration is at the heart of ascension."
Akanesonietoune Kamotethese - this phrase comes from a language pre Atlantean age that is the rough spelling, and the rough translation is “You are welcome my inspiration.” The elder uses it a lot when ending a connection and wanted to share it to all of you. To him it is like saying “you are welcome my dear” “You are welcome my love” it is a term of endearment for he loves us all and all beings of realms of light and love and inspiration is how elves express love.
Earthian Elfian Elemental Domain
(Channeled from the Last Elfian Gaia Assistant)
Summarize what your domain does.
"Our domain uses the light of inspiration to care for the energy and inhabitants of nature. We work using inspiration to help you connect to nature and also help Gaia communicate. She helped create earth she built earth with God and the Creator. She made the land of the earth is its guardian while God is the guardian of the souls incarnating on the earth. They work in harmony to help the collective all and we assist in this process.
We are elementals but not elements it is different than the beings born of only the element. I am the Last True Gaia Assistant in my realm. However, since we have free will of choice available to all elves the Source of our realm uses the Gaia Assistant Light when creating new elves for my domain. They are given the ability to work with any and all elements. However, in this dimensional reality it is not sustainable for newer souls to have that gift. Thus, the must choose one thing to be an Elfian Elemntal of.
They will present themselves to you quicker then elementals from other realms. They will make their voice heard when you ask for the beings of the earth to present themselves. My elves will be the first. They work to help you use the elements to communicate and connect with other inhabitants of earth as well. Also, they work heavily with consumption energy. Trying to guide and inspire humanity to be careful what they consume."
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"It is woven into all that we do as it is in every domain. What is unique about our domain is that we house the only true inspiration elves. A rainbow is Gaias communication of inspiration and hope. Therefore, the elves that are elementals of the rainbow are they only elves that sole purpose is only to spread inspiration and do nothing else but inspire."
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"Inspiration means hope!! Hope for a better world where humanity remembers they are here to take care of the earth not destroy it. Hope that humanity remembers that they can work with the elements and use them to help. Hope that humanity remembers that their consumption ley lines leave a lasting effect on the world. We hope that one day all of humanity will feel that inspiration to go back to the roots of why they came in the physical. Humanity didn't come to watch tv and destroy the earth. We hope to inspire all of you to remember that. "
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"To remind people you came in the physical for a reason. A huge reason why humanity came to earth is to experience connection with the earthly realm and tend to the inhabitants of earth. We use inspiration to help foster that connection. When a human follows that inspired spark, they are helping us complete our purpose. However, for the elves in my domain our purpose is never complete. It is ongoing and that is how it will be until earth ascends to golden status once more."
How is inspiration all around us?
"Since we work with the elements and use inspiration in all we do it is quite literally around you when you breath fresh air and swim in the ocean and hug a tree it is in nature."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"When you connect with nature you feel inspired don't you? You feel free and healed at one just by being outside. So that's how we help for when you are outside in every flower in every cloud in every breeze and leaf there is inspiration."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"Well we must use it to help Gaias soil ascend. I believe that inspiration will be used to help Gaia fully communicate and be understood by the masses as she tells them what they need to do. She is trying now but not being understood because of the egos. So I hope that inspiration will help in the sense that it will inspire people to free themselves from the ego and help Gaia. So many people are helping are guiding and teaching others to take care of the earth and that inspiration is what will help earth achieve golden status once more."
Elfian Healer Domain
(Channeled from Head Elfian Healer)
Summarize what your domain does.
"We work closely with humanity to help them heal and align the chakra systems. Each chakra has energetic cosmic portals. We also work to help with the clearing and cleansing of auras of humans as well as their energetic space. With the help of the atmospheric and systematic cosmic elementals. The major thing we do is work with healing the 5-body system. The 5-body system includes the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Akashic. At this phase in time, we are working to help inspire humanity to heal their inner child."
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"You can use the Flower of Inspiration and the light from specific layers of petals to help in the healing of all body systems. The biggest thing that causes blocks in the mental body is the ego. The mental body healers use the light of inspiration to help inspire the soul to gain full control of the mental body. We use inspirations light when healing the emotional body to inspire humanity to feel and love because the way you all truly love is unique. In actuality most other realms don't experience soul love in the way you do, and that true soul love is expressed through the emotional body. We use it to try and inspire you to take better care of the consumption energy you are using around your physical form. We use it to help heal soul wounds, so you allow your souls inspiration to be heard."
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"To us inspiration is a different facete of healing. It is a different healing light that can be used to help clear away negative emotions like apathy, depression, stress, etc."
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"We use inspiration as a healing tool, as our method of healing."
How is inspiration all around us?
"I am sure I am not the first elder to mention how inspiration is found within you, but it is. It is in your 5-body system as well. You all have a seed of inspiration within you, your souls' inspiration. When you are living from a healed and balanced place you can feel the majesty of inspirational frequencies around you more prevalently then when you are out of balance."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"Well use it in your mental body to help spark the thought that gets you moving again. Meaning ask a mental body healer to bring a light orb from the Flower of Inspiration. Ask it to flow all throughout your mental body for feeling uninspired starts in the mental body."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"Since it is a healing tool that we use it will help with the healing required to ascend to higher levels."
Elfian Animal Healer Domain
(Channeled from Head Elfian Animal Healer)
Summarize what your domain does.
"We work with the animals of the 4 sectors: Sector one air
Sector two aquatic realm
Sector three animals of the land
Sector four animals of the fire more commonly known as the mystical animals.
We work with them on a spiritual and physical level. To guide, heal, and help them complex their missions. We are really the middle ground for connection with animal like realms and beings of higher positive light. "
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"We mainly work to spread inspiration to animal life. Also we work to help inspire you all to connect with animal life to fix that bond between the two realms that are ment to coexist. "
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"Inspiration means connection."
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"Our biggest purpose as a domain is working to heal the soul and physical trauma of the experimentation that still holds an effect. We are working to inspire humanity to fix their bond with positive polarity animals. To understand why some animals are leaving where they go. Educating humanity and working to inspire them to learn more."
How is inspiration all around us?
"With almost every positive polarity animal or pack you see there is an elf with them working with them. Animals are all around therefore beings of inspiration are all around. They are there at the start of every bond between human and animal."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"Through connecting to your animal connections and observing the animal kingdom that is how we recommended connecting to inspiration. Your totem and power animals can aid you a lot in that process when you connect to them on a soul level and also in the physical if you have that availability."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"I believe using the light of inspiration as a tool to aid in the abolishing of experimentations on humans, animals and plant life alike will help in the shift. Its what caused the fall so it is the biggest test, and you would be surprised just how much experimentations there truly is."
Cosmic Elfian Elemental Domain
(Channeled from the Last Elfian Cosmic Guardian)
Summarize what your domain does.
"We work with the elements of the cosmic nature. They all experience being a cosmic guardian for a little while before they specifically pick one. Now unlike the Earthian Elfian Elementals my elves don't work with the frequencies as a way to communicate rather as a way to remind and inspire humanity of their cosmic origins. They merge with their element to become representatives of that element. They add inspiration to the element they work in so that even if they aren't called upon the element will bring forth inspiration. The elementals in my domain are some of the highest dimensional Elfian souls in our system."
How is inspiration found in your domain?
"My elves were born from the light of the Flower of Inspiration, like all elves. They help weave it into the element they are working with. That activates inspiration in every cosmic frequency and in humanity."
What does inspiration mean to your domain?
"Inspiration means home. It means feel safe and supported during times when you need an extra spark. It sparks safety and is a reminder of the true power of all beings to accomplish inspired things."
How do you use inspiration to help others while completing your soul purpose?
"We use it as a way to add an extra level to all elements. Adding that spark that will help humanity feel inspiration every time the connect to a cosmic element."
How is inspiration all around us?
"It is all over the cosmos. It is woven into the very fabric of the galactic cosmic universe. There for in is in your atmosphere."
If I am feeling uninspired, how can your domain specifically inspire me?
"By having you connect directly to the Flower of Inspiration and teach you ways that the eternal planation can help you on a day to day."
How do you think inspiration will help us reach the New Golden Age?
"I don't think it alone will help it needs to work in harmony with all the frequencies of every realm because the earth ascending isn’t just about the souls of earth, but it shifts the entire system. Just by spending each day connecting to your soul and listing to its inspiration you are helping in the shift."
The Elfian Sources' Perspective
"Collective all inspiration is all around us means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For humanity what I believe this to mean is that we gifted you all a seed of inspiration. To let it bloom you must allow yourself to awaken to the truth within you. To let it bloom you must allow your soul to express itself. To let it bloom you must be in spirit in all that you do. To let it bloom you must connect to those around you animal, human and higher being alike. Most importantly you must follow the call of inspiration when it rings to you. You all feel your inspiration but a lot of you don't follow the spark within you. You stay in situations out of convenience. Do not take the easy way out take the inspired route. Then and only then will be able to understand how the frequency of inspiration will aid in the shift of humanity and in your own ascension. Another thing I would like to add is that faith can make realms. Have faith in your spark, have faith that you have one and most importantly never give up on your deepest soul dreams. "
Concluding Message from the Flower of Inspiration
I called upon the flower to give one more message about how the frequency of inspiration can help us and here is what it had to say, " Inspiration is within inspiration is outside of you it is an internal and external blessing all you have to do is tap into it to understand its divine majesty. Being inspired is a state of being just like being light and love. Add inspiration to natural state of being with other higher frequencies like honesty and gratefulness and you will elevate your light above the darkness that tries to make you forget your power."