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Invoking the Flame of Truth

Kastalia Theo

The Flame of Truth is an eternal flame that can be found in the hall of eternal flames. Eternal flames play a role in the creation of beings. It is either an eternal flame or eternal plantation. The Flame of Truth is one of the most powerful flames because of the fact that it not only played a role in creating a realm, the Phoenix Realm, but it also played a role in creating a frequency. It helped create the Warrior Frequency which is also known as the Frequency of the Communicators. The Flame of Truth combined with Solar Frequencies and the Tree of Knowledge make the Warrior Frequencies. The Flame of Truth is something that the Warrior Elves happen to know a lot about. So, prepare to learn all about how the Flame of Truth can help you overcome the ego and step into your highest self.

Chief Elfian Warrior Introduction:

Welcome beautiful souls to the introduction to invoking the Flame of Truth, the most powerful flame for cleansing negativity. The reason being is that truth, the power of it, is one of the few things that the negative polarity just can't work its way around. When you speak the truth and live a life through the lens of your authentic self, negativity can't reach you. Negativity cannot lie in the presence of light. If you ask something negative a direct question with the power of your light demanding truth, truth will be found. Beings of light and love like me and my domain cannot lie, we only speak truth because there is no need to lie. Lying happens where negative emotions can be found, where greed, gluttony, lust, jealousy, anger, pride, sloth, and fear are. You may lie to spare someone's feelings, or because you are afraid you may lie to make your ego feel better, or because you are jealousy, but for beings of light and love who never feel these dense emotions we feel no need to ever bend the truth. We say what we see in the moment and acknowledge that the reality is ever changing and certain people aren't ready to hear certain things, but we always speak the truth, especially warrior spirits. Warrior souls are designed to speak truth, their reason for being is to communicate truth to help in the shift to full positive control. Every lie from a lower frequency is laced with a small truth and identifying what is true and what is false is something that the flame of truth can help with. For example, during the time of the fall of Atlantis experimentations happened, and the products of experimenting would try to use lies laced with truth to manipulate those of light. How do you all think our miscommunicated stories got told? some being observed a truth, a whole reality, but that truth got twisted by the filters of the ego, because only the ego feels the desire to twist reality to fit its desires. So with help from my domain and the warrior frequency I hope you all are able to use the flame of truth to your benefit to help you find truth to help you remove negativity and to help you ascend to the new earth."

Divine Justice:

Justice is on your side when you use the frequency of truth to aid you in your shift to the higher dimensional frequencies."


"Because karmically when you choose truth you are choosing God, you are choosing Gaia, you are choosing your inner being, therefore things will begin to work in your favor. When it comes to the flame of truth the beings of it, the phoenixes, understand the concept of timing and truth. Divine timing and truth are two frequencies we understand well, because they are related to divine justice, because justice happens in due time. Things tend to happen quicker for you when you follow the truth. Things are easier with no drama when you focus on truth and being honest. Not only that, but when it comes to your ancestral lines the negative frequency of lies is typically what causes issues on the ley lines. To heal your ancestral lines and fix your karmic balance use the flame of truth. You can call upon the flame to pour through the ley lines of your ansertal tree in this lifetime and your karmic balance based on past lives to burn away the negative influence and help bring clarity to the lessons meant to be learned."


To fully free yourself from the bonds of the physical identity and the ego you must first learn the truth of your inner being."


"Because dear child of the tree of life you must know your truth to speak truth to be truth. The ego is a lie the ego is a trap and false identity creating a false reality to further enslave you in the bonds of the negative polarity. So listen closely, you can call upon this flame to aid you in purging all false narratives in your mind and thus you are purging the influence of the ego. Every morning, noon, and night call on the flame to clean your mind, to clean your heart, to clean your aura, to clean your soul, you body, your past, to heal your inner child. Call on the flame to help you understand the truth of any traumas so that you may free yourself from the baggage of the past, so that you may be free to be the real you, not the false you that the ego created. Ask the flame to bring you freedom, ask the flame to show you the way of being free from the bonds of negativity for only truth knows, and when you are truly truthful you understand that the simple things of the ego’s fear, the ego’s worries, the ego’s desires are simply simple they are 3d. They are a trap and the more you live in truth the less likely you are to fall into the trap. So avoid the trap door in your mind that is the ego, avoid the trapped door in your heart that is hate, avoid the trapped door in your creation portal that is lust, simply send truth. When you are tempted to give in to what the ego wants, send truth to free yourself, send truth to free your family your world so that you may all ascend to the new reality where truth is all there is, that is peace that is freedom that is how you feel like you can spread your wings and fly."

Universal Unity:

“You will never feel harmony in a false situation. You can use the Flame of Truth to aid you in deeper connection with the universe around you. Deeper connection meaning unity with those of like mindedness. Unity comes from truth because lies only breed false unity where the frequency of truths keeps negativity from influencing your ability to feel oneness."


"Do you mean how? Do you mean how does the negative polarity stop you from feeling one from feeling at one. Yes, then let me explain the ego in your mind is the voice of the negative polarity, the metaphorical devil on your shoulder. So when the ego is in control it will do what it can to make you isolate yourself from those around you. It uses jealousy and hate, it uses anger and lust to divide you from those who you are meant to love, that is everyone under the sun born from positivity, that means you neighbor. The negative polarity can make you feel angry because your neighbor didn't listen to you or didn't clean up after themselves, that anger is division. The unity you want is to see that everyone has a bad day and makes mistakes, so maybe you go and help them so that you can make them feel loved. That is the ones the ego tries to stop, the negativity tries to stop. The negativity can even make you feel at odds with yourself, makes you feel off balance and out of sync with your true being. When you call upon the flame of truth all these false realities melt and then and only then are you able to feel oneness because there is no block stopping you."


“You humans say honesty is the golden rule, yes? Well, it is and when it comes to kindness it is always kind to be honest even if what you are saying may hurt someone's feelings. If you lie you are giving power to the negative polarity and creating false relationships."


"Well that is simple my dear, you are creating false relationships because anything based on a lie is false, that is the truth. You must be kind to the soul, not the ego. The ego loves lies and the more you bite your tongue and hold in the truth just to please an ego the further the rabbit hole goes and the deeper you dig yourself into a trap of a false dynamic that was never meant to be. Being kind to the soul is using truth and being honest, because for a soul to grow and develop they must understand what went right and what went wrong. Constructive criticism, that even if the ego doesn't like it the soul is hearing it and learning that they must still grow in a certain area. That is kind, to help the soul, a soul like you becomes better, completes a mission, fulfills a purpose. When you lie for pleasing the ego you are entrapping someone's soul and stopping their development because you are giving in to their ego and that not only blocks them it blocks you, stops your development and then you aren't being kind to yourself and that is the worst of all, not being kind to yourself . Don't lie to yourself, don't block your communication, speak your truth, be your truth, use the flame to help you help the collective all."

Truly Harmonious Connections:

My fellow elf brethren have communicated the topic of false relationships and I want to elaborate on that concept. For we of the truly harmonious connections believe it to be true that in truth there is love, in truth there is harmony, in truth there is God, and in truth you may only then feel at peace in any kind of relationship. You are meant to be in relationships where authenticity is the driving force, and the Flame of Truth can help you do that. The Flame of Truth can help highlight any fake negative influence in any connection so that you may keep light and love with you. Truth is light, Truth is love, Truth is Harmony."


"Well truth is light because it has nothing dense weighing it down. Truth is love because love is truth, because true love comes from honesty and the more you step into truth you are not just spreading love to others you are sending it to yourself. Souls of light and love are truth, live in truth and only know truth. Truth is harmony because when you are living an honest life you are not off balance, it is negativity and lies and biting your tongue that knocks you off balance and others as well. So when truth is in all you do you may feel at harmony. So call on the flame to help you be light and love and harmony always if you ever feel like harmony is missing, call upon the flame of truth and it will help you find it."

Universal Tranquility:

You feel peace knowing the true truth, yes? Sometimes it may hurt you or others at first but wouldn't you rather understand the full picture so you can live a life full of wondrous truth. The first T in tranquility might as well stand for truth because from what we have observed is that there is a massive relief that comes with knowing the truth. The truth being expressed can relieve so much tension. Keeping secrets is the opposite of peace and love and light because it creates circumstances for lying, which as you all should know by now lying is the voice of negativity."


"Why is lying the voice of negativity? well that is simple it really is. Truth is positive and on the earth there is a polarity and there is an opposite to everything and the opposite of truth is lie, is false, is fake, that is the opposite of authenticity. So where does that come from? That comes from the negative polarity. Why you need to know this to bring tranquility into your life is simple, because when you lie you are scared of getting caught in it, when you lie you don't feel peace you keep secrets and wonder when they will learn the truth, when you lie you drop the frequency of all around you, when you lie you affect more than you realize. But when you are honest you are ushering in a wave of truth and peace, because doesnt feel better in your heart of hearts when you finally tell the truth when the weight is gone off your shoulders? you can simply feel that always, if you never let lies control your life again you feel free and at peace you will free your soul."

How does the flame help you separate from the ego?

(This section is channeled from the Chief Elfian Warrior)

  1. Call upon the flame of truth by saying "Flame of Truth Eternal Ember of Rebirth and Communication I call upon you to step forth and flow in my mind. I ask you to purge away all negativity to purge away all lies to help me reprogram my mind to be me."

  2. The flame of truth is a powerful tool since the ego is a lie, a false reality that traps you in the physical reality away from your soul. The flame of truth shines a light on the truth that the ego isn't you.

  3. Ask the flame of truth for help by saying, "Flame of truth light the way, flame of truth show me the way to honesty, show me what is hidden in the shadows, show me what is stopping me from stepping into the light, show me the truth, light the path before me so I may live every day walking the path of your light."

  4. Like all eternal flames, this flame is powerful and once you ask for its help and allow it in you are connecting to a higher dimensional frequency that automatically elevates your dimensional status. It automatically aids you in the ascension process. When you begin the ascension process you begin the journey of freedom from physical limitations. Since we have made it abundantly clear that the ego is the limitation of the physical form which means you are freeing yourself from it

  5. Your physical form is a tool and a resource. You need it to help you develop as a soul, but you don't need your ego. See you all choose to come in the physical to learn to grow and experience physical life and you can still do that without the ego and negative polarity, in reality you will experience a more fulfilling life in the physical when you are doing so through the lens of your true mind through the lens of your soul and that is the truth.

How does the flame help you connect to your highest self?

"The Flame helps because it separates you from lies and shows you the truth. Therefore when you ask for it the flame will help you find your true self, your highest self. Your highest self is you, the real you, the you without physical limitations, it is you. So the flame helps you find you, because it is truth and you are truth, because beings of light and love are truth, because we do not lie we live authentically. The flame helps you find your authenticity both in the physical and nonphysical. The flame frees you from the ego so that not only can you connect to your highest self but start to fully become your highest self again."


In this section, the warrior elves, dragons and phoenixes gave 7 affirmations to better aid you in living a life lit by the Flame of Truth.

  1. I am the flame of truth, I am the light of the tree of knowledge, I am the frequency of truth. I am the truth.

  2. I am affirming now that my life is being led by and lit by the frequency of the flame of truth.

  3. I know my truth, I know who I am, I am my soul. I am my soul in all that I do.

  4. I am a truth speaker I am a truth seeker I am a truth believer

  5. I only allow truth in my life, only truth, only light. May anything of darkness and lies find its way out for I ask the flame of truth to burn all negativity from my path and only allow truth. As I go about my day, may truth be the music to my ears, may truth be the only thing I hear.

  6. I am in full control of myself and my reality and there is only room for truth in my reality. People and things of falsehood are no longer at my level. They fall behind. I let them go as I go about my life. I step more and more into authenticity. I am what I attract and I only attract honesty. People can't help but be true around me because I am true in all that I do, and only if you are true too will you be the you you were always meant to be. So I am me, I am true. I do not dim my light for others, I step into my truth and be it in all that I do

  7. I am one with truth. I feel oneness with the flame of truth. I ask it to shine its light on me so that I may radiate it wherever I go. I call upon the flame to help show me how I am out of alignment to help guide me into being in alignment, and if I am in alignment flame keep me here.

Daily Habits:

In this section, I (Kastalia) will share the habits I do to help me connect to the warrior frequency. I am a warrior spirit, so the frequency is my home, my original origin, therefore I learned the best tips and tricks to help lead a life led by the flame of truth. It is a rebirth now on earth, and it is fitting that the flame we are discussing is the flame that births the realm of rebirth, the residence of the phoenix. I have always had more of a connection with the dragons as a soul that is where I feel kin, so imagine how I felt when I learned that the things of the dragons come easier to me but that of the phoenix the yin to my yang is something I am lacking. So I had to learn about the phoenixes and about the flame and how to bring it about in my life. Because I was off balance, I felt like something was missing. You must have both like all things; Divine Masculine and Feminine knowledge and truth. The dragons are more on the creation side of things, they are more knowledgeable and express what they know, they love learning about things and building a library in their mind, and they are also very wise. They give the best advice and they work hard. They are the first to jump in and help when times are tough. The phoenixes are different, they are more independently minded, they know how to pick themselves back up again when they fall, whereas dragons won't admit they have fallen. Phoenixes are more passive in the sense that they don't jump the gun right away, they are more peaceful and calm, they speak quieter than the dragons but still have a lot to say. Dragons are more of a dominant energy but when the phoenixes come you know their energy, it flows like a flame in the wind, they have more of an ability to be flexible. The dragons aren't as flexible, they root like a tree and the phoenixes never stay still. You need to connect both energies to feel the yin and yang to feel balanced. This month is about the phoenix and next month I will share how to connect to the dragon's frequency of knowledge. The phoenixes have yet to have made their presence known massively to the collective, and that is on purpose they are all about timing, but they also know that now we need truth to guide us.

Now for the tip and tricks:

  1. Dragons love to be doing something, always feeling the need to plant their seeds. The phoenixes are different; they can sit dormant, take breaks and relax, that comes easier to them. So when it comes to living with the flame of truth as one of your guides you must take breaks, feel peace, feel calm, meditate with fire at your side, meditate in the sun, breathe in and out and relax, relieve tension and relieve stress.

  2. Sun salutations, sun mediations, anything to connect you to the sun in a way that you are focusing on furthering that connection, because warriors come from solar frequencies and when you connect to it you are able to allow it into your life and let it help you live a life led by truth.

  3. Connection with fire is a massive thing that can help, because orange flames resemble the cosmic orange that is a part of the flame of truth. This cosmic orange and golden flame that we have spent this whole blog post discussing is something you can connect to by simply doing your morning routine with a yellow or golden candle lit and turning to it when you do the affirmations early to further strengthen your bond with the frequency

  4. Diet is important and the things you consume affect you. So stop consuming gray area things, step away from animal products into the light of natural foods and unprocessed fruits of the earth we live on. Phoenixes and dragons fro that matter are massive powerful souls free to fly because nothing dense is weighing them down, so don't let anything dense, and by dense I mean negative and gray, weigh you down

  5. The flame can help you get deeper into the fifth dimension, so let it guide you, let it show you the reality that is real, not that false construct in the media. Let it help let go of materialism, you have to trust in it because trust issues come from ego fears and ego fears limit you from being your authentic self

  6. Release materialism, find minimalism, step away from commercialization and into truth, into a simple reality where the 3D doesn't weigh you down. Be free of the weight on your shoulders that tradition and society programed inside of you. Let it go! let it go! fly free away from it all, because when you do the ego will no longer have toys, and will no longer have a way to control you

  7. Most importantly, heal! Let the flame help you heal, let it help you free yourself from trauma because this flame is also a flame of rebirth. Let it help you like it did me, rebirth yourself in your authenticity. Let it help you free yourself from the pain of the past, in this lifetime or any other. Let it help you heal your ancestral line and your imprints. Let it help you heal your inner child so you maybe become one, so that you are not separate from any body system within you, because no negativity can touch you

  8. Communicate: speak, do not ever bite your tongue. If you live truth, you speak your truth, and you are truth then you are everything the ego tried to destroy when you were starting to conform to society. So be loud, be so loud with your truth, don't let anyone stop you from being you. We are all different and to truly find your soul kin, your soul tribe, your soul mate you must always be the true you, because if you are fake in any way, and that means biting your tongue, then you are never going to attract who you are meant to. You will just attract people who are being fake like you

  9. Fear is the ego’s weapon. Lies are the negative polarities. Truth doesn't let those things dictate your life. You are here to awaken and complete your missions and ultimately a purpose as a soul, not a physical identity that will fall away. Truth will be the only thing to remain, so let your truth and the true you be the only you that anyone ever knows, let them know you, not your fears, not your worries, not your stress or the lies you said to make your ego feel better. To live a life by the flame of truth you must be free from any of your dishonesties and that means fixing it. If you have to free yourself, tell the true story

  10. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I swear to speak truth, seek truth and be truth. Affirm that everyday and dont just affirm it, do it, really do it! don't read it on a page and think maybe, don't take note of it but still go let lies and fear control you, actually free yourself, actually step into your power with truth.

For audio versions of the affirmations found in this blog follow my podcast "An hour in golden sunshine" and look for the episode called "songs of the phoenix | affirmations of truth"

Stay tuned for next month there will be a blog post all about invoking the light of the tree of knowledge.
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