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Let The Tree of Knowledge Enlighten You

This blog post is about how the Tree of Knowledge, and the Dragon Frequency can aid you in connecting to your souls' wisdom. This post isn't directly channeled from the Elfian Realm. I have a connection to the Dragon Realm and a deep soul tie to the Golden Solar Dragons. I will channel that energy to furth communicate to all of you what you need to know about the light of the Tree of Knowledge. My connection to the Dragons is unique but not uncommon. Almost as if my highest self takes the form of a Golden Solar Dragon, which is what my guides tell me. Since the moment I discovered that truth about my soul I have been learning all I can about the true Dragons. Just like the Phoenix Realm, truth is also at the fiber of their being. Truth is woven into knowledge and knowledge comes from understanding truth.

Warrior Frequency Connection

The Warrior Frequency began with dragons and phoenixes, the first warrior souls. Over time other realms started to birth souls from that energy. Not all dragons and phoenixes are warrior souls. However, all human warriors have a connection to one of them. That connection is in how the human soul's higher self appears. Like the Elfian Realm has domains, dragons have groups. The warrior dragons are born from the Warrior Frequency. Coincidentally the Warrior Frequency pulls from the source of the Dragon Realm, the Tree of Knowledge. Warrior dragons are more charged in the Tree of Knowledge Frequency. That's why warrior dragons and warrior phoenixes are connected to each other because they offer balance. This isn't a new concept; ancient cultures believed that dragons and phoenixes were soulmates. It comes from the fact that they are stronger together.

Warrior dragons naturally have inner strength as one of their many gifts. Whereas resilience doesn't come easy to them. That's why their soul counterparts are the phoenix. The yin-yang balance frequency is important to these realms. They connect to each other to ensure that balance is found. Warrior dragons are highly connected to the Tree of Knowledge. Not only are they born from it like other dragons, but they are also born from the Warrior Frequency that is partially made from the Tree of Knowledge. They are the best dragons to guide you in the connection to the frequency of knowledge.

The reason why the creator used the Tree of Knowledge when creating the Warrior Frequency is the same reason why he used the Flame of Truth, communication. Warriors are communicator spirits. For me, if I was not born from the Warrior Frequency then I couldn't have been the Elfian Realm Communicator. My soul was born from the Warrior Frequency making me an ideal human soul for another realm to request as one of their communicators. Communicators must communicate the knowledge of the universe to whoever needs to hear it. It can be tough to differentiate between warrior spirits which are the original communicators and other forms of communicators. All indigo children have the ability to communicate messages. Anyone with psychic and medium gifts communicates messages as well. With communicators that are born from the warrior frequency, their energy is a little different and they tend to do a lot of work to help others express their truth as well. They do work to expose larger truths and gifts of knowledge that have a more global effect. They also tend to have a more dominant presence. This doesn't mean they are loud people, it means that their energy can be sensed by many and since they come from the sun people tend to gravitate toward them.

The whole concept of the makeup of our souls is harder to communicate. The best way for you to understand the makeup of your soul is to call upon the warrior frequency and say this, "Warrior Frequency of solar make up I call upon you. Warrior Frequency the beautiful blend of truth and knowledge I call upon you. I call upon you to guide me to the truth and knowledge of the beauty of my soul. I call upon you to bring forth to me my Elfian Traveler Guide, my ascension guide so that they may help me understand the true wisdom of the universe." It is important to call upon your Elfian Traveler Guide because they are your ascension guide and understand the makeup of your soul better than any. My Elfian Traveler Guide has expressed to me that he spends time gathering knowledge to not only better help me understand myself but also the vast universe. In the realm of inspiration, the elves that hold the key to knowledge are not from the warrior domain they are spirit guides.

Frequency of Knowledge

To help me understand my soul's origins more my Elfian Traveler Guide had to spend a lot of time connecting to the Tree of Knowledge to specifically learn about warriors and dragons. Your guides may connect to the Tree of Knowledge for other reasons to help benefit your soul. The Elfian Traveler Guide Domain spends a lot of time learning from the elders of the Dragons as the dragons hold the keys to the wisdom of the universe. Not only that, these guides will connect to octopuses who are animals of the aquatic realm and also hold the key to the knowledge of the universe. The Tree of Knowledge gifted these animals of aquatic nature codes of wisdom to help humanity remember their truth. So, if you can't connect to a dragon an octopus may be able to help you. The Tree of Knowledge shines its light on guides from all realms, not just Elfian that is because a soul needs the wisdom to be a guide. The Phoenix Realm is more heavily lit by the lights of warrior nature. The Dragon Realm is just a little bit more diverse. It's in the very nature of the fact that dragons come from a tree. Trees are deeply rooted with complexity found in every branch. Just like us humans who come from the tree of life. So, in reality we are more connected to the frequency of knowledge than any other.

The frequency of knowledge was born from the Tree of Knowledge and after that other eternal plantations and flames were born carrying the same light. The light of knowledge is the light at the center of the eternal plantation, the Tree of Knowledge. See all eternal plantations and flames start as a light. That's why when connecting to the elves they tell you to call upon the light of the flower of inspiration. They do that because the flower of inspiration is just a tether for the frequency of inspiration. The same goes for the Tree of Knowledge; it is just a tether for the frequency of knowledge. The reason these lights need a tether is that they are very powerful and need to be easily accessible to humanity and other beings. The universe doesn't want things to be hard to reach so the creator created ways to access these necessities in a more accessible manner. When you call upon the light of the Tree of Knowledge not only are you calling upon the frequency of knowledge you are also calling upon the children of the tree. Children meaning the dragons. The dragons come to deliver you the knowledge you seek and there are different dragons for each piece of wisdom you seek.

Our deep bond with this realm has been hidden from us. The negative polarity and the ego uses illusion to make us forget that we share a kinship with these wise beings. How else do you think human souls of warrior origin can have a higher self that appears like a dragon? The only way that would be possible is if our realms of a deep soul tie to one another. You don't have to have a higher self that appears like a dragon to be able to understand the Tree of Knowledge. Every other human soul that doesn't have a dragon appearing as their highest self they have a guide. They have a dragon a personal dragon guide that will step forth and teach them about the realm. These guides appear as inner strength guides. The same goes for the phoenix; some humans of warrior origins have a phoenix appearing as their highest self and for all other humans that don't they have a phoenix soul that comes forth as a resilience guide.

For me, I don't have a dragon guide. Some would say I am the dragon guide as that is how my highest self appears. I have a resilience guide, a phoenix soul who has been working with me teaching me the gifts of the flame of truth until the time comes when I no longer need his help. That isn't the case for everyone; some people have it reversed and some people have both guides of inner strength and resilience. While it is important to connect to your phoenix guide of resilience to help you understand the wisdom of your soul, to understand the frequency of knowledge your dragon guide is the way to go. Your dragon guide of inner strength could be any dragon of any dragon origin it doesn't necessarily need to be a warrior dragon. They will help you understand what inside of you is your greatest strength and how you can use it to help others. They will most likely be a dragon you have a deep connection with based on interactions before ever entering the physical form. That's how guides of other realms find us. They connect to us before our first earth incarnation and that bond is carried with us for all eternity.

That being said, if there's any dragon that can help you invoke the light of the Tree of Knowledge into your day-to-day life it's your dragon guide of inner strength. I mentioned how the purpose of invoking the light of the Tree of Knowledge is meant to help you reclaim the wisdom of your soul. This is because when you call upon the light of knowledge it shines its light on nuggets of wisdom buried beneath the surface. The light of the Tree of Knowledge isn't a powerful cleanser like the flame of truth. It's more of a guide than a flashlight in a dark room. It helps you get to where you need to go but only if you turn it on. All you have to do to turn on the light of the Tree of Knowledge is call upon the frequency of knowledge to light the path before you.

Dragon Daily Habits

You can use your akashic and mental body to help you connect to the Tree of Knowledge. By connecting to these body systems daily you can allow the light of the Tree of Knowledge to help guide you throughout your day-to-day life. This is because the key to your library of guidance in this lifetime is found in your mental body. Guess what light frequency helped build everyone's library of guidance. The light of the Tree of Knowledge. Your library of guidance is connected to your akashic records however it is not one with the akashic records. That's why to access it you must use the mental body and your third eye. The akashic records can be accessed through your akashic body and to access your akashic body in this lifetime you can do so by connecting to your inner child. The space of the inner child is found energetically near the higher heart. to connect to your akashic records you must be in full alignment and your mental and emotional bodies must be balanced and elevated to a higher level. Then in a meditative state, you enter your akashic records.

It is important to note that you don't need to enter your akashic records to have access to your wisdom of the past. You can ask the Tree of Knowledge to use its light frequency to open the door for you to receive and reclaim the knowledge you already know. This gives you the ability to tune into what you have learned from the past to tune into the knowledge that is already part of your soul. You can also call upon your akashic records guide to help you reclaim the wisdom you need to aid you at this point in your life whether it be wisdom from past lives or general wisdom of your soul it's all relative. Because knowledge is a light frequency at the end of the day and there is no limit to what kind of knowledge there is. There is no limit to what kind of knowledge can aid you. The fact of the matter is when you use the words knowledge and wisdom you are connecting to a higher information of universal effect. Words like fact or smart are small and more limited to physical reality. Knowledge and wisdom are bridged between both the metaphysical and the physical to help tell an even bigger story.

You wouldn't call God smart you would call him wise this is because wise comes with the assumption that someone has a deeper understanding of things. At the end of the day, we are all wise and knowledgeable we just need to remember that we are because our souls have experienced and learned so much. The beautiful thing about knowledge is that not one soul knows everything except the supreme creator but even then there are small details that powerful beings aren't fully aware of. That's because time and the experiences of all souls no matter what the realm makes up books of knowledge in the collective akashic records. There are always going to be things we don't know or don't quite understand. That's okay because we are all teachers and learners at the end of the day. The frequency of knowledge can help you teach others what you do know and learn from others what you don't know. Learning things isn't just a gift for your mind, it's a gift for your soul. Not only that we all have something to teach others that's because we feel the call to create a reality where people understand what we understand. That comes from the fact that we are created to create life and we can use knowledge to do so.

So how does all of that help you day to day? Well, it helps you because if you spend every day learning something new and sharing something you know with someone you are connecting to the dragons you are connecting to knowledge. Knowledge isn't just knowing it's teaching what you know and learning what you don't know. To connect to the knowledge, you must become a part of that cycle of learning and teaching. The biggest step to take every day is understanding that there are things you don't know but the things you do know might just help someone else. Accepting the role of student and teacher every day gives the universe permission to help guide you to learning opportunities and teaching opportunities. The more you learn and teach the more you can begin to understand the wisdom of your soul.

Just simply making a list of things you know you can teach others and a list of things you want to learn helps you open your mind to the gifts of knowledge. Be open-minded that phrase means a lot more when you realize that how you connect to higher knowledge is simply by opening your mental body and crown chakra and allowing that light frequency to enter you. Yes, enter you enter your chakra system and body system. Enter your mind and enter your life. What we think knowledge is in this illusion reality is not what knowledge is. Yes, to be smart in this world you must understand how to read, write and do basic mathematical functions. You must understand history and science. Those things you learn in school are great gifts to make you physically smart but to be wise you don't necessarily need all those things. You could have flunked out of school but one day you wake up and feel the inspiration to write something that has been rattling around in your mind and that thing could be the greatest peace of universal wisdom ever. That wisdom will guide you and show you how to communicate it to the collective. We are all wise, you don't need to be book-smart to be wise. Because guess what books physical books don't hold the key to knowing the frequency of knowledge. I am telling you that my spirit guides don't understand when I ramble about things that I need to learn to be considered smart in our society. Wisdom isn't a 3D reality thing, it's a universal higher dimensional reality thing that we can never lose but we can forget about. Now it is time to remember each day and focus your intention on remembering what you have forgotten as a result of entering the physical form. Our physical form can handle knowledge and immense wisdom. It's the ego voice that makes us believe we can't. Work on silencing it and universal wisdom will find you.

Affirmations of Knowledge

Here are some affirmations my guides gave me to help me connect to my highest self which forms like a dragon. My guides wanted me to connect more to the warrior dragon frequency. These are some mantras and affirmations that help me do just that, I hope they help you.

  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

  • I am wise I am knowledgeable

  • I call upon the light of the Tree of Knowledge to light the path before me to show me the knowledge my soul seeks to learn and the knowledge my soul seeks to teach

  • I absorb wisdom and knowledge easily

  • I am led to the right path and right decision at all times

  • I am wealthy with knowledge

  • I am open to the divine wisdom of the universe

  • Through my connection to my inner wisdom, I am connecting to universal wisdom

  • I call upon the Elfian Healers of the Akashic and Mental bodies to pour the light of the Tree of Knowledge through my 5D chakras and my 5-body system specifically my Akashic and Mental to further aid in my enlightenment

  • I am a woken and enlightened being

  • I am welcoming in the wisdom and truths of the universe

  • I am reclaiming my soul's knowledge and wisdom I am remembering the divine gifts talents and skills that I have developed as a soul over my many lifetimes

  • I am open to learning what I do not know

  • I am ready to be the universes teacher for the things that I understand to help others understand the truths of the universe around us

  • Stay inspired for in truth there is peace for life is creation life is infinite and leads to the power of true knowledge

Amen Ase and so it is and so it is and so it is!!!

Thank you for reading this blog post!! These affirmations can be found on my podcast "An Hour in Golden Sunshine" look for the bonus episode titled "The Dragon Song of Knowledge " which is going to be published on October 27th at 10am.

Stay tuned for the next blog post all about the winter solstice where dragons phoenixes and elves all come together to help you take advantage of the magnificent shift that is the winter solstice

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