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Why Now?

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Timing Is Everything

Time is such a strange concept because we simultaneously have too much and not enough of it. I believe that our strange relationship with time stems from the fact that we do not understand what time truly is. We think we do with that that by placing numbers of the way the day flows mean we understand such an abstract concept.

"Time is dictated by the universe and is influenced by the energetic frequency of things. Now the energetic frequency of the collective is showing that we are ready to open our minds again to the truth of the universe. Thats why now is the perfect time. Another huge influence is the dimensional frequency. Earths dimensional frequency in the past was significantly lower than it is now meaning that things would get misconstrued if they tried to communicate the whole truly. When the negative polarity has more control, it leaves room for miscommunications. " - Elfian Elementals of Time Frequency

Another huge factor is that they had to wait for my soul to be in the right place at the right time. That is because of our soul contract. I am their communicator and as a result of that they couldn't come fully come out from beyond the veil without me. Yes, in the past there have been other communicators however they couldn't fully come out from beyond the veil because the dimensional frequency was right. Thats where the right place right time comes into the picture. Earth has to be in a dimensional frequency higher the 3D. This is because humanity wouldn't be ready to welcome the Elfian Realm in with open arms when the negative polarity has more control. Humanity wouldn't be ready to accept the truth. The truth that we have been lied to through the lens of miscommunication of centuries.

The Elfian Realm source is really why I am writing this blog post. He would like to explain why himself and have the opportunity to explain what they are here to do.

" I am the Elfian Realm Source, and I would like to share something's with all of you. First and foremost, we have made the collective decision as a realm to step forth into your realm of vision. Not physically but sharing our truth so that we may work with humanity once again for the good of the positive polarity. The timing is now the year of the Water Tiger is the most intense year for communication. For how we see it in the metaphysical we see an opening to express truth. To express authenticity and help expand the positive polarity so that Earth and all its inhabitants can accessed higher into the New Golden Age. It is perfect timing with our communicator's spiritual development and the universal clock worked perfectly to usher in this new age of our realm. It is being ushered in right around spring and in the final legs of a communication and emotional heavy moon cycle. Not only that Earth is rising evermore and all the things that are seemingly awful are actually a sign that the Earth is shifting passed what it was into what it can be. Its highest dimensional self and dear children of Mother Gaia and Guardian of Delta you mustn't worry because it seemingly gets worse before it gets better. This is because the negative polarity is fighting. It is fighting to gain control and with every action done from a higher dimensional self the negative polarity fights back harder. The good news is I have witnessed this before and I know that the negative polarity will give up sooner rather then later. That our system is in the final leg of this energetic battle that can manifest into physical battles. We as a realm are here to do what we were created to do and then some. We are the beings of inspiration here to spread inspiration to all the sleepwalking souls and even those who are awake in some way. As a realm has evolved into being more we can use these new abilities to help more then just the collective humanity but all the beings we can including ourselves sometimes. What you will all learn in the future is that the world that you thought to be the truth is really a mask covering the truth of the true universe."

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Sending you love, light, and inspiration.

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