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May "Madness"

Kastalia Theo

This blog post is directly channeled from the Elfian Warrior Elder. He would like to step forth and communicate guidance to better help the collective this May. 522 or May 2022 is very significant. He will explain why that is the case as well as some guidance on how to activate and upgrade your solar chakra.

"Hello again children of the Tree of Life I am the Chief Warrior of the Warrior Domain in the Elfian Realm. Thats right I am an elf, and I am also a warrior spirit which I admit most beings find it to be a very interesting combination. In truth every realm has a Warrior Domain. I was doing duty working to helping in the transition away from the Grey Area things when I noticed something interesting about the energy shift during the May zodiac cusp. Thats when I sent the message to our communicator that there is quite a few messages that I need to share with the collective.

Taurus & Gemini Combination

The Taurus and Gemini Combination is something constant every year both energies are dominant in the month of May. I will let my good elemental friends of atmospheric and systematic frequencies step forth to explain."

The Systematic Elfian Elementals: "Hello I am a Systematic Cosmic Elfian Elemental of Divine Masculine Frequency. I have some important messages to share regarding Mercury Retrogrades influence on the Taurus and Gemini constellations. This is specifically for the dimensional frequencies. Now this is the general dimensional frequencies of the system we all live with in and how the polarity is effect. I typically work with the universal shield to weed out any negative frequencies. Now I ask something of all of you, this energetic shift between Taurus and Gemini within a Retrograde about communication has a huge effect on one thing. That one thing is revealing the truth and miscommunications being cleared slowly. What I ask of you is that you raise your frequency higher you prepare yourself to handle turbulence. If you are prepared it becomes easier for you to handle startling discoveries. Also change there is a lot of change and how you react to it has an effect. This is because if you have let go of the need to control you will handle the shifts with easy. However, if when it comes to change you lose your cool then this shift may be difficult. It is important to be in a higher place so that you may handle things easier and so that you have a joyful time. Retrograde can be good if let go of the blocks that are holding you back from realizing just how positive it can be. Mercury is on your side at the end of the day."

The Atmospheric Elfian Elementals: "Hello I work with the ley lines of planets and ley lines in general. I help keep Earth afloat along with other planets. I am here helping Gaia in this shift that will happen as a result of truths being shown the light of day. Here is how you can prepare. Step away from the grey area step away from illusion. The world will change in your lifetime. How it changes is up to you. You are powerful help Gaia and your fellow humans by bettering yourself letting go of the past and moving in to your highest self. Surrender the ego and clear any negative ley lines you may have left that are polluting Earth."

Chief Warrior Elder:"

- You must activate your throat chakra to a higher frequency. You must authentically express yourself. You must make sure you are communicating your truth.

- It is time to say goodbye to who you were before and hello to your true self. Say hello to your soul for soul is authentically you.

- Remove filters. Let go of metaphors. Speak the truth with kindness but speak the truth loudly.

-You are not a sheep you are a human you are a child of the Tree of Life a child of God a child of Gaia you are powerful, and individual do not conform.

- Step into your power!!!

How to activate your higher dimensional solar plexus:

You need to connect to the sun by nongrey area means. Meaning spending time in nature, in the sunlight. Freshly squeezed citrus drinks, not store bought. Do sun salutation yoga really connect to the sun and ask it to upgrade your solar plexus chakra. The sun can upgrade your solar plexus chakra all you have to do is connect to it and ask. Ask the Golden Christed Sun to pour its light into your 5 body system for a full and total solar upgrade."

That is all the Elfian Realm has to say at the moment regarding May. However, since there is a lot going on next month do expect more blog post to come during the month of May with more guidance


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