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The Guardians Around Us

We are divinely protected and supported by a vast collection of higher being guardians, divine souls whose missions and purposes are to protect and divinely guide. Let's delve into the divine origins of the Big Four guardians and their profound influence on our lives, connecting us to a higher power.

  Please note this blog is channeled from the Tree of Knowledge, a higher energetic entity that is the Source of the collective wisdom and divine guidance of all higher beings. The Tree of Knowledge acts as a conduit for the wisdom and guidance of the higher beings, allowing us to access their knowledge and understand their roles in our lives.

Guardian of Life

Long ago, the Creator orchestrated a magnificent event- the creation of our vast universe. He fashioned the Tree of Life and her Source. The Divine Masculine Source of Life, intending to work with the frequency of life, created the first soul- the Guardian of Life. This Guardian, also known as God, was the architect of the Earth. He requested the Creator to fashion The Realm of the Divine, the Angelic realm. Angelic Mother Gaia emerged from this realm, tasked with protecting the land and nature that the Guardian of Life had created. The Guardian of Life's objective was to populate Earth with souls, and he did so with help from Source. His tasks include overseeing the balance of life on Earth, guiding souls toward their purpose, and protecting the Earth from spiritual harm.

  He is the Source of the divine paternal nature and the guiding hand in our life plan/path. He is one of the most powerful souls in the universe, next to the Source of life and the Creator of the universe. Together, they work as the Holy Trinity.

Guardian Angels

 Guardian Angels, born from the Angelic Realm, are beings overflowing with divine light and love. They cherish and care for us at every moment. They can help us in various ways, such as guiding us towards positive decisions, protecting us from harm, and comforting us in times of need.

Your angels are steadfast companions, guiding you toward the path of light and higher ascension. They shield you from both spiritual and physical danger, ensuring you're never alone. Their divine love surrounds you when you call on your Guardian Angel Team, providing a sense of security and care.

Guardians of the Veil

  These inspiring beings, born from the Elfian Realm, spread positivity by protecting the veil line, ensuring our spiritual security, and uplifting our spirits with their inspiring presence.

  They can most help with the art of careful reflection before taking action. They started as Elfian NoManJoyBringers. After careful reflection, they chose a different path. Instead of spreading joy directly, they spread positive light by protecting the veil line, a spiritual boundary separating our authentic selves from external influences.

  The Guardians of the Veil are dedicated to preserving the integrity of spiritual boundaries, ensuring you can always connect with your authentic self. Their presence empowers you to navigate your spiritual journey with confidence and control. 

Guardians of Sacred Spaces

  These beings, born from the Fae Realm, are a beacon of hope and earthly knowledge. They play a crucial role in preserving the sacred energy of our Earth, inspiring a sense of hope, and fostering a deep connection to our planet.

They have been miscommunicated as trolls throughout history. However, that couldn't be further from the truth of what these magnificent souls are. They are powerful beings with a strong connection to the crystalline frequency, so much so that their image reflects crystals and stones. They protect Portals and important Sacred Spaces.

How the Guardians Can Help You

  Now, with a basic understanding of these guardians, you are ready to understand better how they can help you.

How the Guardian of Life Can Help

  The Guardian of Life watches over life in all its phases and cycles. He is God by another name and can help with the biggest problems of life that weigh on your shoulders.

  If you are having problems with higher self-integration and connection, he is the Guardian to call on, as your highest self is in alignment with his divine nature.

  If you are having problems with connection awakening and alignment of your higher fifth-dimensional chakras, then he is also the Guardian to call on. Your fifth-dimensional chakras are the Earth Star, Causal, Steller Star Gateway, Universal Gateway, Galatic Gateway, and Divine Gateway. These are also called the chakras of the soul, which assist with connection beyond the physical realm, ascension, enlightenment, and grounding. If you are feeling lost in your spiritual journey and are uncertain of how to connect to your spirit team, it could be that these chakras are out of alignment. So, it is important to align those chakras to improve your ascension. Call on the Guardian of Life and Angelic Mother Gaia for support.

How Guardian of Angels Can Help

  Our Guardian Angels watch over us as we experience life. The Guardian of Life works like tarot card decks. He sees the bigger picture and can help with general and bigger issues. He offers a guiding hand during the overall journey. In contrast, Guardian Angels work like oracle cards. They get down to the nitty-gritty and the specifics of life. They are there to offer support for the small issues and day-to-day woes. The Guardian of Life and Guardian Angels balance each other regarding assisting us in our lifetime incarnations.

Guardian Angels can help you through emotional and mental disease and disharmony, help protect you from emotional and mental danger, and free you from the influence of lower thought forms.

  They are the beings that guide you if you ever choose to access the Akashic Records of your past lives. They help protect you in that journey. They celebrate the wins of past lives and this life with you and support you when remembering and experiencing losses.

  Your guardians' angels will also help you during inner child healing by providing the comforting light of peace. To allow your inner child to feel safe and heal, They are your biggest fans at all times and your most powerful protectors.

How Guardian of the Veil Can Help

  Guardians of the Veil watch over the veil line, protecting us when we wish to connect beyond. They can help you when you call on them. They will never interfere with free will, so call on these guardians for support if you want to connect beyond the veil. They can help when you practice mediumship, tarot reading, channeling, psychic reading, and astral projection. We all astral project when we sleep knowingly or not, so you can call on them and your angel team for protection while you sleep. They can help you protect your energy from those who may send ill wishes. They will help you see what energy looks like, positive or negative, that you send to others and what is being sent to you.

As previously mentioned, the Guardians of the Veil have the resources to help us protect our spiritual boundaries. If you feel like your boundaries have been crossed in any way, these are the Guardians who can help you reestablish them firmly. They can help protect energy and remove any blockages that may be preventing you from standing firm in your authenticity.

How Guardian of Sacred Spaces Can Help

Guardians of Sacred Spaces watch over the energetic portals the ancients left behind and all modern sacred spaces to maintain their highly positive energy. These guardians can help with home cleansing, tapping into the sacred energy of the land, ley line clearing and healing, and creating your own sacred space.

  They work with Archangel Micheal if you ever do home protection. They are great guides to have if you go to energetic portals. Since they know the portal's energy and how to ensure a harmonious higher connection between you and the portal, it is vital to call on them during any portal and sacred space work. Like Guardians of the Veil, they work to ensure that the positive things are accessible and the negative things stay far away.

The Guardians of Sacred spaces work with imprints and ley lines specifically. They watch over the ancient and ancestral influence on the Earth. They can help in ancestral healing and understanding of ancient wisdom. They are keepers of earthly knowledge at the end of the day because they are fae, which is what fae do. They can help remind you of gifts and abilities from ancient times that you may possess. They can also help people understand ancestral land. Guardians of Sacred Spaces can greatly support healing your ancestral ley lines and filling them with light and love.

Connect with the Guardians

 Connection Invocation for the Guardian of Life

I am calling on the Guardian of Life, the protector of souls, the Source of divine paternal nature, God. I call on thee to help me during times of stress, fear, paranoia, anxiety, depression, worry, and anger. I call on thee to help me be free from the chains of the past that weigh me down. I call on thee to help me step into my highest self. I call on thee to guide me into a life led by the soul. I call on thee to help me embrace gratitude, forgiveness, grace, and faith.

 Connection Invocation for Guardian Angels

I call on my Guardian Angels to be with me at this time. My Guardian Angels surround me in their wings, keeping me safe and protected by divine light and love. Angles ensure that nothing and no one can access me or my energy without explicit permission. I revoke any permission I gave under false pretenses. I ask my Guardian Angels to support me in this fresh start of relationships and connections with all. I am open to divine light, love, and the divine wisdom of the universe we call home. So, I ask Guardian Angels for our connection to blossom and be even more fruitful. Assist me, please, in embracing divinity in my life.

 Connection Invocation for the Guardians of the Veil

Guardians of the Veil, from the bottom of my heart and depths of my soul, I wish to know the majesty of who you are. Show me your light, truth, the fabric of your positive divine light, and love nature. I wish for your support in my current incarnation. Support as I go about my day-to-day life and connect beyond the veil. Please ensure I am free from the influence of lower energy. Help me connect to positivity and help remove all pain from my auric field. I am ready to connect to you divine beings of inspiration, love, light, and protection.

 Connection Invocation for the Guardians of Sacred Spaces

Guardians of the Sacred Spaces, I wish to know the majesty of who you are from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul. Show me your light, truth, the fabric of your positive divine light, and love nature. I wish for your support in my current incarnation. Support as I go about my day-to-day life. Please support me as I seek to create a sacred space in my home and life. Protect the sacred space that is me and help me remember my original calling as I blend that with the earthly knowledge of existing in the physical. Please help me understand portals, ley lines, imprints, and my ancestral history. Help me embrace the magical potential of life. Help me remember why I am here and the truth of our universe. Show me beyond the reality I know and how to balance being a soul and a body. I am ready to connect to you beings of hope, love, light, and protection.

Concluding Gifts from the Guardians

Prayer from the Guardian of Life

"Dear Heavenly Divine Paternal Source, hear me now as I ask for the removal of lower frequencies from my life. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Unfortunately, nowadays, the crown isn't just reserved for royalty. Nowadays, we all carry the world's weight one way or another on our heads. We, as humans, experience so much stress and grief and are constantly seeking relief. And so I ask you, Guardian of Life, to guide me in my search for divine tranquility and serenity in this life. Please show me how to embrace a life of peace. How can I be free from the curse of stress and shame? How can I overcome doubt and forgive myself and others? I know you will never infringe on free will unless it is dire. I humbly ask you for support in my journey of being free from the world's weight. Free from the lower thought forms that consume me, even if I don't want to admit they do. I ask for your help, protection, guidance, and support."

Protection from Guardian Angels

"Now and forevermore, I am in full control of my life. I remove and revoke all toxic influences on my life. I banish with all the strength of my authentic being. Banish all lower and negative thought forms and energies from my home, from my mind, from my heart, from my body, from my soul, from my past and present, and dear angel, protect me in my future. Nothing and no one can access me or my energy without my permission. I am surrounded by divine light and love; my Guardian Angels surround me in their wings. God protects and watches over Gaia anchors and grounds. Archangel Micheal protects me. Archangel Uriel gives me strength. Archangel Gabriel brings me clarity of mind, and Archangel Raphael heals me. Archangel Metatron protects my light work abilities. Archangel Sandalphon brings me stability. I am at one with Source and ask Source for my original excellence. The Flame of Truth protects and lights the path before me, ensuring all lower-dimensional energy never crosses my path."

Boundaries Declaration

"I know my worth, my truth, what's mine, and what's not. I am ready to be free from things that no longer resonate with me, so hear me now; hear my loud. I am who I am in truth, I know who I am in truth, and what is not mine, what does not resonate, is banished from my life only that which rings true with my authenticity with harmony with love, grace, and light, what rings true with the positive polarity that is what I welcome in my life. I welcome the love and friendship on the other side of knowing my worth and embracing my truth. My boundaries are strong, for nothing is more powerful than my invocation. My yes and no hold so much power, so I use it wisely. I am careful with who I give permission to in my life. I am releasing the people-pleasing mentality and embracing the assertive expression of truth. "

Ley Line Healing Affirmation

" I see my ley lines. I see my imprints. I see the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I love and accept myself for all the good and bad in my life in my past and the past of those before me. I send love to my ley lines. I let love guide the way I affirm truth lights my way. There is nothing more powerful than the frequency of gratitude in my life. I am thankful for healing; I am thankful for the healing light I send now to my ley lines, the ley line of my ancestors, and the ley lines' of my past lives. I am thankful for the healing I am already experiencing at a deep universal spiritual level. I am banishing all negativity from my lines with the frequency of forgiveness, love, and truth. I forgive, I forgive all the bad, and I embrace all the good. I let go of the need to create an identity around pain and embrace a life full of serenity and divine tranquility. I am ready for harmony on the deep ley line level, and I wish for my ancestry to feel this harmonic healing deep in their ley lines, too. I am ready for something new. I let the Winds of Change and the Golden Rainbow Fire heal my lines. I am stepping forward into this new way of being strong in my authentic truth as a soul."

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