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Types of Animal Connections

Welcome to the written guide to the different kinds of animal connections. The blog post is directly channeled from the Head Elfian Animal Healer. She will be the elf to inspire you to have a deeper connection with the Animal Kingdom.

"Hello, beings of the Tree of Life. The Animal Kingdom is here to help you in the incarnation of the physical. As Elfian Animal Healers, we help you remember your connection with your animal siblings. I am the Head Elfian Animal Healer. Today, I will be educating you about the five animal connections.

One is the reminder of the soul. One represents the Animal Kingdom and guides your soul's journey back to its truest form while in the physical. One reconnects you to your soul's true power. One symbolizes your ascension journey and what you are working to achieve in this lifetime. One is the deliverer of news from beyond the veil. All are significant connections. All indicate that humanity and animals share a deeper bond than meets the eye. You are destined to help each other. You are a part of each other's purpose. You watch for their body, and they watch for your soul.

The First Group Soul Connection You Experience:

These first group soul connections are called Kinship Animals or Kinship Crystals, depending on who you are. I will only explain Kinship Animals as that's the only connection I know about. In the future, the Cosmic Elfian Elemental Elder will discuss all the types of crystal connections.

Kinship Animals are examples of your soul in its purest form. They are higher positive polarity animals that resonate with qualities that reflect your soul's nature. They possess all the qualities you do when leading a life led by the soul—the qualities you have when you are not incarnating in the physical form.

The key to connecting more to your Kinship Animal is simply connecting to your star origins. Doing that lets you learn which animal group soul resides there and their relationship with you and your star family. You will feel more aligned with your true identity once you remember that relationship and call upon them to guide you daily. Kinship Animals hold the key to leading you away from issues centered around identity. They can guide you into life as your true, authentic self.

Kinship Animals can help you overcome the fear of yourself. Often, the egoic self is afraid of the soul within the body. The reason is that negativity loses control when the soul is awoken and overcomes negativity. So, anything that can activate the soul's true awakening is scary for the egoic self. That's why Kinship Animals can also help you overcome any issues with ego and negative polarity.

Now is truly the time to start embracing your Kinship Connections. The reason is that now is the time to begin the journey of truly overcoming the negative influences on a collective level. It will take time and is a longer journey than you were led to believe. That being said, it is still important to overcome the darkness and become the light fully and completely.

You can transmute the egoic self into light with the assistance of your Kinship Animal. That is one of their main purposes at this phase of humanity. To assist you in gaining energetic control of your five-body system and transmuting all the darkness within into light.

Your Animal Guide

Every realm offers spirit guides to the souls of humanity. The Animal Kingdom is no different. They offer up a spirit guide in the form of Spirit Animals. They often step forth as the first guide you connect to when reawakening. This is because they help lead you back to the wisdom of your highest self. They are the North Star leading you home. Home is your soul's highest being.

Another reason why they often come forth first is that they are the most familiar faces. They are animals, so seeing an animal is not as alarming to the egoic self. Animal connections can help the ego leave the fight-or-flight state of seeing something foreign. They can help adjust to a higher connection so that it doesn't shock the egoic self as much. That allows you to ascend higher without as much interference.

Spirit Animals are the guide that helps you meet all the rest. They help show you the world beyond the veil. They open that door to the realm of the non-physical. Spirit Animals are also considered to be a soulmate connection. This is because of how you meet them. When your soul was new, you felt inspired by many things. Knowing that you needed to find an animal group soul to be a guide, you went searching for one that resonated with you. That had a like-minded purpose and reason for being. That connection is no spur-of-the-moment thing.

It is an admiration of the soul when the soul sees something beautiful in another and wants to connect more. For you and your spirit animal, you saw the potential for inspiration and guidance in an animal group soul. After searching and meeting all sorts of group souls, you found one that suits you. This connection is a choice, unlike the kinship assigned to you when you enter your star origins. Unlike your power and totem animals that have certain factors and limitations as to what animals, they can be for you. This connection is one of the first of your souls that is your choice. Also, what makes it so special is it is also the animals' choice. The animal can refuse the connection. The reason is that it is not a request to make a contract for one lifetime. It is not a kinship that requires no contract. It is a connection for every incarnation.

The group soul must see you as someone who can work well with and understand them every lifetime. If you can't understand the animal group soul, then it can't help you. The group soul must also see something in you that is related to their purpose. Both you and the group soul must see the same vision. This is why, when you connect to your Spirit Animal, you will first feel massive shifts in your third eye. After a while, you will feel shifts in your higher heart. That is because of your connection with the group soul to help each other from a place of light and love.

Your Spirit Animal is often one of the first animals you feel love for. The admiration of the soul and all its potential comes forth in full swing in every lifetime. It comes forth through the frequency of love. As a result, your Spirit Animal can help you rise above fear into a place of love.

The Animal That Brings Strength

In the physical form, you need a reminder of your spiritual power and how you can step into your power. That is why the reflection of lifetimes before is important before a new incarnation. You see how you could have improved on spiritual power. You then find an animal group soul that can best help you complete this mission. You meet with your Spirit Animal and Akashic Records Guide to determine what animal group soul qualities will best serve you in the following lifetime.

It's important to note that your Spirit Animal can not take on another role in most cases. In rare cases, if your Spirit Animal is a part of the feline or canine group souls, you can have multiple splits of feline or canine working in different roles in your Animal Spirit Team. For example, you could have a tiger Spirit Animal and a lion Power Animal. This is because even though they are felines, they possess many different qualities.

Since your Spirit Animal plays a role in this selection, they work closely with your Power Animal. Your Power Animal's purpose is also more connected to the Spirit Animal's. Helping you find a Power Animal is one of the many missions of a Spirit Animal. The Spirit Animal helps develop the soul contract between you and the group soul.

When you meet with your Power Animal group soul, you must bond while in the non-physical. It is important to develop the relationship so that they can best know how to serve you. While connecting with them, you learn how you can best serve them. They remind you of the power of your soul. Thus, they will request something of you for the contract to be of mutual benefit. This request has to do with helping you connect to your spiritual power while assisting them in the physical.

Typically, the feelings around your Power Animal are love and respect, as that is what you spent time building. They can help you learn how to love and respect yourself. As well as keeping respect at the center of love connections. This is because once you connect to your spiritual power, you remember the benefits of respect in all connections. That is how equality is born: respect for all things. Every being has a story to be lived and shared. Respecting that is one of the most powerful things. Living a spiritually powered life is understanding equality in all things and how you can contribute to oneness with assistance from your Power Animal and its qualities.

Check out our communicators' Inspired Awakening Episode 5 video on The Realm of Inspiration YouTube for further insight into Power Animals. She does a wonderful job of sharing what that connection feels like while in the physical.

The Animal Symbol of Your Ascension Goal

Everyone has an animal that holds the characteristics of their ascension goal in their present lifetime. You work with these animals' energy, and they can help offer assistance in your ascension journey. They work closely with your Elfian Traveler Guide, as that is the guide that selects them for you. Your Elfian Traveler Guide is your ascension guide; thus, when it comes time for an animal that is a totem for your ascension, that is the guide that knows what to look for in an animal. They look at your ascension journey and what you did in your previous lifetime to help them elect a few contenders for your Totem Animal.

However, even though the elf selects the contenders, it is ultimately your choice which one becomes your Totem Animal. Like with your Power Animal, you spend time bounding once the Totem Animal is selected. This bounding does differ from that with the Power Animal. With the Totem Animal, you spend time learning with each other, learning all about each other's ascension journey and how they may be similar and/or different. You begin to understand why the Totem Animal symbolizes where you want to go in your next lifetime. Unlike the Power Animals, who rarely consult with previous Power Animals you had, Totem Animals do. Totem Animals rely on the guidance and wisdom of your past lives Totem Animals. This is because of ascension.

Your true spiritual power never changes, even if how you tap into it does. However, your ascension journey is always changing. For your Totem Animal to be a symbol of where you would like to go in this lifetime and your assistant in clearing past life karma, they must learn from the ones before. They must understand what went wrong and what went right. Your Totem Animals also hold the key to your karmic balance, and before every lifetime, they must pass the key to another Totem Animal.

Totem Animals must change as you change. However, unlike Power Animals, you can connect with previous Totems Animals. Sometimes, your Elfian Traveler Guide will teach you about your past lives and karma from the Totem Animals you had before. This is because you can see your story from many perspectives to understand the whole picture.

Totems Animals stay the most behind the scenes out of your Animal Spirit Team. That is because they have a lot of work to do with your Elfian Traveler Guide to help you every time you experience an ascension. Totem Animals can help you heal from ascension symptoms, understand integrations, clear karmic balance, and understand the journey. It is time to call upon them and your Elfian Traveler Guide to understand the ascension story of your soul.

The Messenger

Messengers of the Veil are members of the Animal Kingdom whom the Guardians of the Veil elected. They were chosen as signs, symbols, and totems of Messanger Guides. Messenger Guides are human souls that ascend. They wanted to experience a connection with the world of the Animal Kingdom while assisting humanity.

Messenger Guides meet you in the same way as Spirit Animals, through an admiration of the soul. Once they become Messanger Guides, they come through to the human soul they are guiding as animals. They appear as anthropomorphic birds, butterflies, hummingbirds, dragonflies, or ladybugs. So before the admiration of the soul, they spend time "flying" around in the non-physical. Changing their soul appears to be the Messanger of the Veil they have selected as their totem. They meet with all the Messengers of the Veil before selecting their totem and appearance. They pick one that best symbolizes them. They stay that way until they complete their purpose as a Messanger Guide.

A Messanger Guide's purpose is complete once the soul they are guiding completes their purpose. Messenger Gudies experienced life in the physical and completed their initial purpose. They felt a calling to be a guide while also working with animals, other realms, the frequency of communication, and joy.

They experience "falling in the love" with the soul they are meant to guide. The soul they choose to guide possesses qualities that remind them of themselves and their initial purpose. The soul they choose is one they believe they can help but also can help them. Once the soul chooses them, they begin working harmoniously to understand the veil.

Messenger Guides do more than help you connect beyond the veil and receive messages from the non-physical. They help you understand the veil. Understand dimensions. Understand the polarity. They work side by side with Messanegrs of the Veil, Guardians of the Veil, and beings of communication. Beings of communication are Warrior Souls from any realm. Most Warriors Souls work with the polarity, helping usher more positive light into the Earth. Therefore, your Messanger Guide develops an understanding of these things to help better themselves grow, and you complete your initial purpose.

They work closely with the Elfian and Angelic Realms, Father God, and Mother Gaia. They also work with departed loved ones to deliver messages from them to you. You have a signs and symbols guide that works with all forms of leaving little messages for you from all in the non-physical. This guide assists your Messanger Guide and does the work when your Messanger Guide is working on other things.

Messenger Guides can deliver messages beyond the veil to those you wish to connect with. They are watchers of your connection beyond the veil and with all your spirit teams.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and learn about animal connections. I did my best to simplify the description of these connections based on how the Elfian Realm works with the Animal Kingdom and how we have observed the connection evolve with time. Please remember that you and the Animal Kingdom are allies in overcoming the negative polarity. When the Earth reaches golden status, it must do so with the work of humans and animals. Please do not forget that all animals have complex souls unless they are negative manifestations. Even so, negative manifestations can be reconstituted into the light and positively cleared from the Earth.

Until next time, may the petals of the Flower of Inspiration lead you back to us again. I am sending you love, light, and inspiration. Stay inspired.

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