I do answer this in this video ^ which can be found on the website main page and on my YouTube channel. However, the bases of this video was looking at what google had to say and me clearing the miscommunications found online. In this blog I will be answering some of the most common questions I have been asked about elves.
As always for the true introduction into the true Elfian Realm check out my eBook link on website main page.
The first actual question I received about the elves was "Where do they live?" So, I thought that is the best place to start. Elves don't actually live anywhere in reality no nonphysical being lives somewhere in the way that we as human think. Home has a lot of different meanings for them. Home is what they do individually their landing place is the Elfian Realms energetic meeting place. The energetic meeting place is sort of like a planet beyond the veil it is truly beautiful, but it is not physical there. Not in the way your home is physically on Earth. The realms meeting place appears physical and all elves have appear physical as well. This has to do with the Flower of Inspiration, more specifically its light. The way its light shines on its native ambers holds an effect on how things appear to us. For more details check out "The Untold True Story of the Elfian Realm"
The best example I can think of is when you move away from your parents house and live on your own but when you need a break or help you go back to their home. Thats what it is like for each indivdual elf. They all have a purpose and missions to complete to fulfill their purpose their home is connect to that. I will break it down by domain:
Earthian Elfian Elementals & Cosmic Elfian Elementals: Their home is the element they are an elemental for
Elfian Animal Healers: With the group soul they work with
Elfian Traveler Guides: With the soul they are guiding
Elfian Warriors: On the polarity/ under golden warrior light
No Man/Joy Bringers: Right behind the veil line/ under the divine light of the positive polarity
Elfian Healers: With what ever section of the healing energy they work with
But for all of them their landing place is the Elfian Realm meeting place where the Flower of Inspirations light shines the brightest. Where the Elders work and their Source can be found above. Where new elf souls are created and begin to discover their purpose. We all have that place that are soul goes back to when the missions are done. Where the Elder/Guardian awaits us to guide us to the next step. Where our Source can be found above. We obviously have some difference we are not like the elves but we do have a connect with them. Some of the greatest eternal friendships are formed between beings from different realms coming together for the same goal of help Earth achieve and maintain the New Gold Age.
Next thing I would like to touch on is a question that I surprisingly have been asked a lot. I do think media and fictional stories to play a role in why that is. Guess what fiction is what causes the miscommunication of beings that are here to help and glorifies the negative polarity, for the most part. Dragons, unicorns, fairies, and more have been at the receiving end of this its not just the elves. The question I am referring to is "What about dark elves?"
To keep a long story short during the fall of Atlantis there were experimentations which resulted in negative entities appearing similar to light beings. The more and more people fell down into the negative polarities grasp the harder it was to see the difference between truth and lies. Thats were the stories of the dark version of any light being came from. Those stories created the very miscommunications that I am helping the elves clear up and that countless other communicators are doing for other realms such as angels and dragons.
Dark elves are not real. The negative polarities entities are a part of the hive mind of negativity and that is all I really know about how the negative polarity works. What I do know is that its goal is to have complete control over the souls of the Earth, and it does that by taking small truths and twisting them into big lies to entrap people. The negative polarity can't lie in the presences of light, so it has to use truths as a way to manipulate people. My knowledge on manipulation doesn't come from the elves it comes from personal life experiences. Those life experiences made it easier for me to understand the bigger picture when the whole story was communicated to me. The elves are pure positive beings from the Flower of Inspiration here to aid humanity in its rise to the New Golden Age. Elves are our friends, guides, teachers, healers, and more. All they do is done with energy and done beyond the veil how close they come to the veil line is really up to you. For my as their communicator they come very close to the veil line. I can sense their energy and get visuals of what they appear as however I cannot clearly see them the way an indigo soul can. I can clearly hear them the way a golden soul can because that is what I am. A communicator of truth and their truth is one of the many that I am here to communicate.
Three is my lucky number and that is why I am answering the big three questions that I have been asked. The third one is "What about Christmas elves?" this is the point in the blog where I channel the answer for the collective. The No-Man-Joy-Bringer Elder would like to step forth and answer this. "The Joy Bringer domain was a truly magical one at the early stages we did not have No Man in front of our name. However, as time went on we felt it pertinent to add that remained to our name not only for us but for all who meet us to know that we are not man. When we worked with our communicator way in the past we were able to be seen as not man. However we did become seen as something else. Our domain was the one who got miscommunicated as Christmas elves. Those stories are a fallacy and not the intent of the man and woman behind the original messages. This get deluded over time which can make it harder for us to aid humanity. When humanity lives with a false notion it can make it harder for them to clearly see the truth. One thing that the miscommunications got right is that we are joyful and full of merriment and love to see all people experience cosmic joy."
For more details into the story of that domain and the truth about Santa check out the eBook linked earlier in this blog post.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sending you love light & inspiration.