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Why the Lions Gate is so important

In this blog post with help from the Elfian Warrior Domain, Animal Healers of the Lion split of the big cat group soul, Cosmic Heat Frequency Elfian Elementals, and Earth Elf Elementals of Fire you will all be able to learn why the Lions Gate is so important.

Warrior Domain: "The Warrior Frequency and the Lion Soul are kin. Solar power is heightened with lion control"

Chief Warrior Elder: " As the Elder of the Warrior Domain of The Elfian Realm the Warrior Frequency is my area of expertise. The Warrior Frequencies' power is not something easily understood unless you are born from it. However, I will do my best to explain to all of you the truth of Warrior. Warrior Spirits are communicator souls born from solar fires that's purpose is to cleanse the Earth of negativity through action. They use the power of the Light of Honest Communication, wisdom from the Tree of Knowledge, and the Flame of Truth to guide them. The Lions have a deep connection more so than the other big cat splits with the Warrior Frequency. This is because of their bond with fire, solar fire that is. We as Warrior Elves follow the path of other Warrior Spirits. Our twist is that we also use the light of inspiration. So, my message of guidance for all of you this Lions Gate is to follow your souls' inspiration. Act on your souls' inspiration because you can manifest your reality and Leo is helping you do just that. "

Elfian Animal Healers of Lions: "Some people forget that true power comes from your inner strength the core and fiber of your very being. True power doesn't come from the physical form. When people see power from only the lens of the physical, they only can see the 3D world. Evolving into the 5D means seeing that there is power in everything. There is power in mentally having the strength to overcome the ego. There is power in expressing yourself to those around you. There is power in letting out your emotions. There is power in every positive action. So, what about this Lions Gate you humans are living in huh? What is its power? Well, the Lion split of the big cat group soul shared something with us to explain that. "

Message from the Lion split of the big cat group soul: " Lion split away from the original big cat to fulfill a different purpose. Yes, to still cleanse the Earth of darkness but to do more. People look at the Lion and see only what the physical form does. They see the physical form surviving and from that perceive a threat. Lions do not want to harm humans for Lions just want humans to be free from the negative polarity. From the control of the 3D world. Lions want to help and so they broke away and found a way to guide humans from a soul level. They did that by offering energetic support to humans from beyond the veil. So that when their physical forms sleep, they may offer healing, teaching, guidance, support, and more without having to physically be with you humans. The Lions Gate is their gift to you it is the time when the true essence of their soul radiates across the atmosphere. The power of action in manifesting a new reality the new reality of the future golden world free from the grasps of the negative polarities' experimentation on the children of the Tree of Life."

Cosmic Heat Frequency Elementals: " Heat = Action. Fire = Action. The time to act is now!!! Do not sit on the sidelines and wait for something to happen. You are the ruler of your own life, and you make the decisions on what to do for you. Do not wait for someone to make those choices for you."

Elfian Elementals of Fire: "The Leos connection to fire amplifies the soul purpose of Big Cats. Big Cats cleanse negativity that is their nature and they do so through action in different ways. However, fire also brings the light of a protective nurturing nature and that is also a strong influence on the Lions. This Lions Gate it is important to take breaks and take care of yourself. Protect your energy and establish lines of defense around you energetically so that you may embody the power of a Lion in all that you do. So that the frequency of fire may guide you to constantly being in a cleansed state. So that you never have to fight again to assert control over the negativity because you are shining so bright that negativity runs away from you. Darkness cannot survive in the presence of true positive light. We know you can be that light and the best time to start is during the Lions Gate."

What it seems like based on what all these elves had to share is that the Lions Gate is a power portal. It is a powerful fiery portal that when it peaks the light that it radiates touches everything. It upgrades, guides, heals, highlights, and many more. Every portal has one thing in common it’s purpose is to help us on our spiritual path. Every portal is a tool that we can use. So use it.

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