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Flower of Inspiration Channeled Session

Flower of Inspiration Channeled Session

30 min
50 US dollars

Service Description

Main things that can be touched on in this type of session: This is the random option out of all the channeled sessions. This is just connection to the Flower of Inspiration and whatever Elfian comes through to you is what you need to hear. This is the option if you arent specifically searching for something more seeing what messages are for you. The other seven channeled session options are if you are more interested in learning about something specific and/or want more specific clairty on the general messages you may have received. For more information about the elves be sure to check out their page on our website and visit The Realm of Inspirations YouTube channel to hear their collective messages. All meetings will take place over Zoom, and you will receive the Zoom meeting information after your payment is received. Make sure that you include your email address so we can send you the Zoom meeting information. All sessions will be a minimum 20 minutes and maxim 30 minutes The time is just averaged based on the channeling portion of the session. In all sessions there is the introduction and conclusion part of the session with more clairty and explanation being brought to you.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please let us know at least 24 hours in advance, thank you.

Contact Details

Peoria, IL, USA

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